Name a single more unfunny show than pic rel...

Name a single more unfunny show than pic rel. I'm gonna be waiting I'm on vacations so we have plenty of time ahead of us

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The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory

Well, these shows are OBJECTIVELY funny because they're well watched and popular among people. Ergo, don't dare to even type and share your shitty subjective opinions on this anonymous anime site.

No of Fans > No of Critics, ergo Fans' Opinion = Objective && Critics = Subjective.

modern marvels
wild kratz


you must be fun at parties

Newman's the only remotely funny part of seinfeld. Aka the garbage, overrated show.

The Amount of tryhards who call big bang theory unfunny far exceed those that praise a vaunted critically acclaimed show like brooklyn 99. You aren't bei g a revisionist or saying anything radical when hating on the single most hated show on earth more so than friends or Rick and morty.

Yet just a 5 second clip of bazonga will make you laugh every single time unlike 75 different scenes of Andy sberg trying to be the loveable cop or the haha Terry crews is a retard laugh! Moments

I've never scene any of these shows

It's purely subjective (critics=lauding unfunny snl bullshit Brooklyn99) vs kantian intersubjective aesthetic judgement (everyone laughs at bazonga even if for different reasons)

A purely subjective opinion requires one to judge a piece of media on its own. My characterization of brooklyn 99 as unfunny stems from a comparison with other shows that came before it or after hence intersubjectively unfunny. Brooklyn99 is the clencut snlized version of reno911

You are retarded and ill prove it. what's your opinion on friends the most internationally renowned sitcom of all time?

it is a vinnette of many different directors trying to make something while stuck in a madlibs.

Attached: cool-cool-cool-cool-community.gif (500x234, 762.33K)

a cause of Paris syndrome?

this failed after the first couple seasons, shit made a profit and actors got stuck in a rut, might be why theses actor are not getting picked up for other shows. A garbage fire for all their careers opps.

Greys anatomy
General hospital
Barnaby jones
Star trek(any series)

I know little about this show.

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Rick and Morty

Uuuuhm aren't you forgetting someone?

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Star trek is the funniest show on earth they have people and aliens in silly costumes they come up with scientific sounding jargon and yet scores of fans ponder over the philosophical implications of an episode where someone wears a bunny suit

6 seasons and a movie!

So is this your subjective opinion on the show?

Liberian movies, indian jones becomes the worst buffy season

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can you define subjective?

It is impossible for something to be funny if it tries to be funny. That goes for movies, TV shows and people. Comedy is a scam.

Did you mean Librarians?

Hahahabaababababagod REMEMBER Africa by toto that's a great joke right there it's a great punchline on its own the characters are so quirky unlike big bang theory bullshit blazing who laughs at that?