Couldn't you prove the existence of an afterlife by resuscitating people after death...

Couldn't you prove the existence of an afterlife by resuscitating people after death? I was thinking about how shit life was and how i hope we get something else or a second chance. Medical tech is gettign better and better at bringing people back longer and longer after death. I know brain death is different from clinical death, but couldnt we push the revival time further and further?
Here is an article about the subject, but it is journalistic rather than academic.
What are your thoughts? I think there needs to be controlled tests to take anything at face value, though unfortunately even then humans aren't reliable sources of data most of the time, and the brain state will affect their accounts. Surely there are religious academics or even those with a thirst for knowledge about death that would be willing to arrange something like this, even with questionable ethics.

Attached: NearDeath.png (936x768, 150.5K)

People have told stories of what they see when they die and its usually very subjective. Many people in predominately Christian societies report seeing Jesus, even if the person who died isn't religious whatsoever. I imagine something similar happens to people in Islam-focused nations, although they would see something different from Jesus.

If you think theres a spiritual afterlife with some kind of entity in control or in charge of it, it would most certainly try and interfere with mortals from conducting such experiments breaching the boundary, and potentially have the ability to block or condemn individuals which if it turns out to exist is probably really a bad thing to incur personally.

Unless God is retarded

I mean, he has his fair share of fuckups...

Attached: peopledieiftheyarekilled.jpg (800x450, 37.62K)

God is a downie confirmed?

It doesn't really matter either way. The way you live your life wouldn't or shouldn't change even if you knew, tis still the one living life you have.

Why do people think we get shit after we die do u remember anything from before you were alive no u didn't exist so why would u magically get something after u die grow the fuck up

Maybe not? The argument for that would be we didnt exist before we were born, but we exist after we are born. Either way wouldn't someone inquisitive want to test it?

The problem is that we can't test shit like that these days. People get so bent-out-of-shape over ethics so we can't test things like that. It's the same reason we can't test human cloning.

I know people are pussies about it, I just figured some would care less about looking good to society and maybe take a few risks to sate their curiousity. I guess I haven't done it so i can't be too surpirsed others haven't, but it is a bit surprising ot me. Maybe some people do try but can't publish their findings?

I mean sure, if you have the money for it, go right ahead. You'd have to get it peer-reviewed and you'd get a ton of shit for conducting immoral experiments, but that's up to you. Personally, I'd love to do stuff like that, but you'd need volunteers (or if you're in Nazi Germany, prisoners) to experiment on. Then you'd need to eliminate any variables that might exist, such as religion-based bias. It'd get real fuzzy. Idk, I'm kinda retarded so I can't really explain it well, but there's a lot of reasons why experiments like this don't get conducted. Or if they do, we don't ever hear about them.

Why do you think existing is something special how many things die in a day on earth alone probably trillions of things if u count germs and things like that are their lives worth less than ours are we special i see no reason to think that we get anything more than they do any life is the same even if they are not as intelligent a life is a life once u are gone its over i have thought about this for a very long time even if an afterlife does exist at some point you won't want to exist anymore no matter how good something is you'll get bored of it at some point and you think it would be a long time but we are not made for cosmic time scales no human could go more than a few thousand years and stay sane with out having their memory wiped over and over and at that point your not even you anymore stop wasting your time on stupid religion coz u dont have much time on this shit hole so enjoy it while it lasts

Jesus dude, have you ever heard of interpunction

On phone dont care

I can't wait for those final moments between life and death where my brain is injecting trippy chems into itself and I'm flying over Ancient Egypt with my cock inside a fertile young Jennifer Connelly.

I fucking died trying to read that

You are describing the premise of a show called the OA. It gets weird though. Idk, stick your penis in a goat before you die 10/10

Thanks for giving me a near death experience reading this absolute shitshow of a read.

That was a great show, I was gutted when Netflix pulled it

Can you please use some punctuation? My eyes :(
I don't know if its special the point isn't to be declarative its to be inquisitive. We should learn all we can if we have the resources to do so, no?

>Couldn't you prove the existence of an afterlife by resuscitating people after death?
No, whatever they reported to have seen/felt would be anecdotal and as consciousness is a result of brain function, you arent actually bringing back a person, you are merely restarting a brain, the person never left, the machine projecting that person shut down.
With enough tech we could craft a brain from nothing and basically bring in a consciousness from just raw materials, but this would be called artificial intelligence.

Well, when you combine enough anectdotal evidence together and pick out the qualitative and quantitative pieces of it (what proportions of each demographic report what, what medical conditions have they had, do mental conditions or genetic background have effects) we can paint a more complete picture. Even if consciousness is simply a result of brain function, surely we could learn something about how to keep people alive longer or how the brain works by observing it in states like this?

Attached: Dash_bookread123412321.gif (550x575, 45.71K)

Nearly by definition, if you can put someone back to life it's not real death. People reported strange things occurring during near death experiences , but it's hard to get reliable testimonies, it's unethical to nearly kill people during experiments

If you wanted to remove as many variables as possible, you'd basically have to raise multiple people without ever introducing religion to them, kill them, then resuscitate them.