What are the implications of public finding out the true origin of religion?

What are the implications of public finding out the true origin of religion?

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not much.
religious people will continue believing their religions
Other people will tell "I told you so".

They will fight each other like we currently do with politics and life will go on.

Hopefully it will lead to a revival in people thinking about things beyond themselves, but that's wishful thinking

This guy makes a pretty interesting argument that even though religion is mostly legend, metaphyscis is real, seems like a Deist honestly
I just hope we at least take up philosophy, it is better then atheism or religous dogma in my opinion

We already know where religion came from, the Annunaki

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What IS the true origin of religion?

The break up the binary planetary system of Venus and Uranus which McGann calls the Balorian System
There are connections to Sumeria

It's not aliens though bro, they are a stand in for asteroids and stars and the like, plus their associated Platonic Forms

are you really suggesting that venus had a stable orbit around uranus, broke free from said orbit, traveled over a billion miles then happened to fall right into a stable orbit around the sun all within 10,000 years?

No 70,000 years and and it's not my suggestion and it's backed by abundant curcumstantial evidence

Honestly just read the book it's only like 50 pages and he makes reference to 20 diffrent accounts all over the world and explains how it would have worked it's on amazon for less then a gallon of gas and it won't take you long to read

Shameless self check of these digits

That depends. But if I had to guess stuff on fire and nihilism peaks.

loss of unification scattered goals end of thinking capacity.

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he was blind

I like you

But what if the answer is that God is Real, but Religion is just Myths and Dogma? perhaps we could accept a society of Christian Platonism, Deistic Philosophy in place of a Dogmatic religion, there is still room for hope

Faith will find a way

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>and it's backed by abundant curcumstantial evidence

And its debunked by hard facts of orbital mechanics, and the laws of physics.

Planet-sized moons orbiting 19AU from the sun do not magically break free, go flying through space, and conveniently end up in stable orbits at a 0.7AU distance from the sun.

whatever this frothing fantasist has for "circumstantial evidence" does not bear any reality of the hard fact of Kepler's laws of orbital mechanics and the laws of Newtonian physics.

Literally just earlier this year they discovered that's exactly what happened to Ceres, you can look it up right now

You are working off of outdated knowledge, seriously you should read the book it is more logical then you are expecting

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