/fpg/ - Feature Phone General

Feature Phone General

>What is a feature phone
A feature phone (also spelled featurephone) is a type or class of mobile phone that retains the form factor of earlier generations of mobile telephones, typically with press-button based inputs and a small non-touch display. Their functions are limited compared to smartphones, which integrate the phone with an internet communications device.

>Why are you using this shitty phone
Some people are unhappy with the amount of time they spend on various internet services (Any Forums, social media, etc.) and the ubiquity of smartphones with data plans makes it easier to access them at any time. By switching to a feature phone, you can help limit the amount of time you spend on these services. It does not solve the problem, but it helps

>What about [X feature I need]
Feature phone users prefer to have electronic devices dedicated to a single task. If you want music, get an mp3 player. If you want to take photos, get a camera. If you want to play games, get your preferred game console. Smartphones tend to be mediocre at each feature they offer: they don't have the best cameras, games aren't as good as on dedicated consoles/PC, etc

>What feature phones are available?
There are two main kinds of feature phones: Devices explicitly designed for those trying to kick social media, and cheap devices which do this accidentally.

>a. Devices designed to digital minimalism:
>The Light Phone 2 - thelightphone.com/
>Punkt - punkt.ch
>Minimalist phone - minimalistphone.com/ (not actually a device, but an app which limits functionality on your phone)
>Unpluq - unpluq.com/unpluq-key/ (similar to above, but it's a physical device which locks functionality on your phone)

>b. Cheap shitty phones
>Nokia 8110 4g - nokia.com/phones/en_int/nokia-8110-4g (Not produced anymore, find on ebay)
>Nokia 225 4g - nokia.com/phones/en_us/nokia-225-4g
>Nokia 3310 4g

Attached: featurephones-og_image.jpg (2400x1260, 219.17K)

What single-use electronics do you have?
Kindle paperwhite
>MP3 Player
AGPTek MP3 Player
Casio digital watch

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this has to be some money laundering scheme

Attached: punkt.png (298x486, 40.58K)

>owning more devices than average person
>digital minimalism
lol no

I want a point and shoot camera that's decent, but not like hobbyist photographer-tier. Something for taking on hiking trips or something like that. I do like to play around with the macro lens and exposure and stuff like that. Does anyone know a good midrange point and shoot camera?

Attached: firefox_4Al2pJXjAm.png (479x594, 219.56K)

It's not about not having these devices or features, it's about living deliberately: choosing what is important to you and not being told what is important to you. Minimalism does not mean zero, it means optimized

Attached: 1200px-Benjamin_D._Maxham_-_Henry_David_Thoreau_-_Restored_-_greyscale_-_straightened.jpg (1200x1739, 620.69K)

Carrying more devices that in sum do less than one cheap device could do isn’t optimisation. Trying to find MP3 player instead of just opening whatever music player app (where you can also pirate easier) isn’t optimisation. It’s pure stupidity.

is there any smart watches that can fully function with a sim card + sdcard for texting/calls/music? i think thats my dream technology.

>isn’t optimisation
It's not technical optimization, you sperg, it's time and life optimization. It's about spending time on things that matter instead of things that don't. This might mean fewer features to specific applications, but it also means not wasting your time on other shit that technology compels us to.

In my estimation, 99% of the internet is pointless and most people should not be on it

so what exactly is stopping you from hiding applications you don't want on your phone instead of buying some castrated mockery of a device?


>time and life optimization
You buy more devices and spend more time on selecting them. Neither a financial or time optimization.
>It's about spending time on things that matter instead of things that don't.
On Android you can disable any app you want, on newer releases you can even disable the entire networking stack. Nobody forces you to use anything, you fucking retard.
>but it also means not wasting your time on other shit that technology compels us to
See above
>99% of the internet is pointless and most people should not be on it
Then why are you here?
>you sperg
You create those generals, can't into self-control, buy and maintain more devices (charging, etc), and you dare call other people spergs?

addiction and personal weakness

>You buy more devices and spend more time on selecting them. Neither a financial or time optimization.
The time spent on actually shopping for devices is tiny. You get a few core devices and then you get to live your life
>On Android you can disable any app you want, on newer releases you can even disable the entire networking stack. Nobody forces you to use anything, you fucking retard.
If you don't think zuckerberg et al. are emplying industrial psychologists to get people addicted, you're the retard
>Then why are you here?
I think Any Forums is the 1% for me personally
>You create those generals, can't into self-control, buy and maintain more devices (charging, etc), and you dare call other people spergs?
Why are you threatened by cellphones

>addiction and personal weakness
okay so the issue isn't your device but yourself instead

>The time spent on actually shopping for devices is tiny
>You get a few core devices and then you get to live your life
Cool, but I prefer to just open Play Store/App Store and just install whatever I really need and ignore the rest. Takes me less than 3 minutes and just works for months or even years.
>If you don't think zuckerberg et al. are emplying industrial psychologists to get people addicted, you're the retard
I have Facebook account and I simply don't use it. Few times a year, sometimes less. I'm not even using YouTube very often, maybe for music and course videos, however books are better. Are you wondering what kind of sorcery is it? It is self-control.
The worse thing for me are imageboards, and admins usually don't hire psychologists to make them more addictive.
>I think Any Forums is the 1% for me personally
Then Any Forums is personalised or you see bait threads and NIGGER NIGGER TRANNY as worthwhile.

>Cool, but I prefer to just open Play Store/App Store and just install whatever I really need and ignore the rest. Takes me less than 3 minutes and just works for months or even years.
Nobody is telling you to do otherwise, you've just got such a victim complex that you assume anyone different from you is against you. The world doesn't revolve around you, user

Yes, and changing devices is a good way to prevent impulse usage. In case you couldn't tell by now, this thread is not directed at you personally

What's the model of this phone again?
Also, does modern feature phones run old-school Java games?

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nokia 5710

what is oldest iphone model still usable today? i need telegram, call and messages ofc and some music would be nice

Get a used first gen Sony RX100.
