East of the Rockies, you're on the air

East of the Rockies, you're on the air

Attached: 96SAITbl.jpg (640x427, 63.48K)

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this guy built himself a pretty good grift

Wasn't this guy in Jurassic Park 3?

W1ldc4Rd L1n3

Attached: art bell ufo.jpg (384x416, 52.48K)


Turn your radio off sir

Well hey Art, looks lije we got a feller on b who wants to cum to gabby petito pics. And i think i might just help him

Art Bell. Dude is a legend for his radio shows. RIP Art Bell you were awesome.

Patrician Filipina Enjoyer

oh Sorry Art
So like I was saying What was the deal with Mel's hole?
I think it was the Devil himself who dug it what do you think Art?

I miss the old Coast to Coast when it was paranormal bullshit, wild conspiracies, and general nutty wackos looking to spread their brand of crazy

Whatever the fuck George Noory did fucking killed the vibe and it hasnt been the same since

Turn off your radio sir

is this the Jim Bohannon show? Red Eye Radio?

Art’s shows afterward were all good. Midnight in the Desert, Dreamland, etc.

Snoory ruined CtC

Hard shoes to fill mang

At least Art's show had a lot of fun crazy conspiracies. Not like the hyper right wing political shit that is out there now. I was sasquatch and alien grays damnit, not this Q or alex jones shit.

I lost some sleep as a kid going down to the bathroom in the middle of the night and our radio was still on, with Art Bell and guest talking about alien abductions and stuff. Every light I saw hit my window for a few nights made me think I was going to get pulled up into a spaceship because I knew too much now.

Nobody hated Art Bell fans more than Art Bell.

Agreed. Im sure there was also some kind of 'demographic' shift over the years. Same with the early internet and what we have today.

So much this. I love a wild and crazy conspiracy but the political bullshit just kills any interest

This. Art was a conservative but realized politics was boring and a buzzkill.

Are there any archives of the old shows?

Id kill to hear some shows from the late 80's or early 90's. Even the late 90's or early 2000's would be great to hear

i unironically miss listening to ed dames make up a bunch of crap for 3 hours

Where can I find Tales From the Airstream? It was an American Masterpiece.

Yeah, I know he was a conservative. I'm pretty far left, but I still enjoy the stupid crazy conspiracy stuff. I don't believe it, but it is fun to think about and hear about in almost a world building/story telling kind of way.

found this:


And when a guest would hold back because he wanted "people to buy the book", Art would dump his ass at the bottom of the hour and go to open lines.

Yes. It can be really entertaining.

Whatever happened to his son? Raped or molested by a gym teacher with HIV?


A great exercise in suspension of disbelief!