Is Canada really a better country than the United States?

Is Canada really a better country than the United States?

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Not really

Def not. The only reason Canada exists is because we allow it to

Well America sucks ass but anything France related is even more annoying

Canada and their "culture" are just an extension of the Northern US. Just a bunch of sad drunks in the snow and the cost of living is miserable. There are Trump supporters in Canada, why the fuck would there be supporters for a foreign president in fucking Canada? You tell me because I literally do not know

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France has better food and culture tho

If you did, you'd lose all your trading partners. Billionaires would lose huge sums. Thats why we arent worried about you "allowing" us to continue. And actually taking Canada would be a nightmare for you. So not really.

Most Canadians live within 100 miles of the border. It would be easy to take over your entire country in less than a week

And in terms of trading partners, the US controls all trade in the world. Without us the global economy could crash and burn. Nobody would risk losing us as a trading partner over some silly war with Canada

Says an american who has never been, clearly. Where did you hear that? Fox news? There are a lot of superficial similarities, but our attitude towards our countrymen is far more like europe, than you. Than theres quebec, its a completely different country within canada. You wouldnt recognize it as an american.

Because when America's economy is well, the world is doing well.

How is Quebec so different?

yes. Measured by potential, the US is too mature, too restrictive of progress. The US has the climate zones and natural resources to ride out a long decline, but it’s already so limited by its monoculture, bound by litigation and established interests that it had no freedom or will to grow. The American Century was last century. It’s no longer able to make forward progress beyond where it was after coasting through WWII and landing all that British Crown $. It already plateaued 50-20 years ago and has been on decline for the last 20.

As far as lands of opportunity go, Canada is a veritable paradise. Why I stopped investing in US completely after the 08 crash and switched to greater growth potential countries, Brazil, India, Singapore, and Japan, though that’s an odd one. Fuck the middle east, growth or not, they’re out. Canada is a better option than most of those, bc you can actually go there whenever and speak openly and honestly with the people you’re investing in, in a common language.

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bc frenchies gonna french

Canada has no freedom of speech or religion. They have no right to self defense. Justin Trudeau is a cucked faggot who needs to virtue signal to maintain his position of power.

Arent there like 20-30% of nonwhites in Canada?
Same muttland, different name.

under Canadian law Bart Simpson is a real living immortal human child.

nuke every country that’s not america


The issue wouldnt be the invasion, it would be the insurgent warfare that would ensue, and the massive supply line issue that the tough terrain causes.

The Brits and us beat you once and burned your white house, want to test it again?

Both of these past 2 presidencies make me wish I was canadian

I take it back these past 4 holy shit