Vim or Emacs?

only those who really program in one of these editors can respond.

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>easy to use
>easy to insta

Vim because it is just an editor. Emacs is a lifestyle/way of thinking and my head is full already

Emacs with evil-mode.

I don't program in vim, but I do edit a few things with it some times.

vim hands down. It's fast, unix based, and gets shit done. Use emacs only if you want le udoots on r/emacs. It has no use-case for anyone besides ricing addicts.

Vim is all you need.
Need more? Shit's extensible, so you can make it a full IDE if that tickles your pickle.

look at the picture. Vim codes in Haskell, a white man's programing language, while emacs codes in soithon. Notice how the emacs user went out of his way to put an ASCII logo for his initials and make took the time to make his header look soilicous instead of working on his code. Meanwhile the vim user went straight to the meat, typing only what is necessary to get the job done. The vim users bottom bar is riddled with MODULAR information that needs to be monitor for optimal performance while the emacs user has superficial information like utf-8 (he even put it in his header), python version, etc. Things that should only take a keystroke to figure out and not something that should be changing often when coding your own files.

Another important thing to notice is that the emac user, un like the vim user. Is editing a config file, betraying the nature of the average emac user: a broken man, an emacsulated man, focused on ricing his tools to eternity without ever actually using them




suffer first then kys

do you fags have any hobbies that don't involve internet wars over fucking text editors?

, you also

Sublime Text

Amen, user. Amen.

>do you fags have any hobbies that don't involve internet wars over fucking text editors?
So, asking anons which editor they prefer is a recipe for an internet war? Go outside, you autistic retarded man

we have this thread every day

>we have this thread every day
and were going to have it again, seethe retard

I use Emacs every day for programming and I find myself more productive with it than IntelliJ IDEA. i tried Vim last year for a very brief moment but it lacked too many features and I like being able to use my mouse for more than just scrolling.

Overall, the following are indispensable for me:
- Magit for anything git related. I've never had to memorize git commands or even make backups of my .git despite constantly stashing work from various branches and modifying the commiter and author values per repo.
- EMMS for a quick and compact interface to listen to any music or internet radio
- Notmuch makes organizing mailing list threads and receiving patches very convenient and not require you to do more than perform a single keybind
- lsp-mode with lsp-ui helps recreate the nice documentation tooltips that IntelliJ IDEA has. But otherwise CIDER and SLY are just superior to LSP for Clojure and Common Lisp programming, respectively.
- It's very easy to write your own interactive commands in Emacs Lisp to automate any task you need a terminal for (this is especially true for build tools like Maven or Leiningen)
- Scratch buffer and being able to evaluate expressions anywhere is much nicer REPL experience than anything else I've tried
- Org-Mode is just superior to markdown for documenting code and writing interactive tutorials (e.g. tutorials where code snippets can be directly executed by the user and the result pretty-printed within the document). And it exports to HTML or PDF using any template of your choice.

I think Emacs is not for everyone desu, and IntelliJ IDEA is easily better than Vim or even VS Code. I tried VS Code briefly but it can't even format code as you type and people tell you to manually Control+Shift+P or bind the "format document" command to save. Also both IDEA and VS Code have pretty rigid debugging and REPL interfaces for the languages I use.

With that said, my Emacs setup lets me do everything I've done with IDEA in a fourth of the RAM usage.

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