Pluton can be defeated
Let's investigate these firmware workarounds, Any Forums. Don't be such fucking doomers without investigating your options.

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>buying a device with built in hardware malware in the first place

>user discovers that you can toggle Pluton off in BIOS

I don't trust a word the faggot mjg59 says.

The fact that Pluton can be disabled is irrelevant.

The real issue is remote attestation: websites will refuse to work if you are that 1% of users that uses a machine without Pluton or SafetyNet, or with unapproved/sideloaded software.

>turn it off in the BIOS
>don't run a massively user hostile OS that's now only fucking you 5 ways from Sunday rather than 6
Wow, so difficult.

>b-but netflix will stop working!
Just torrent shit then.

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but I'm employed I cannot use linux. How else will I play my video games

on linux

>Sorry sir but you cannot access siteā„¢ since your PC apparently has security processor Pluton disabled, please get in contact with support for further investigation.

>Any Forums schizos were wrong as always and general-purpose computing is too profitable to kill
imagine my shock. just like every time since 1985.

Seriously, just think. The average person only upgrades their PC, if they even have one, once every 5+ years. They would be perfectly comfortable letting those investors eat a few quarters of no revenue if they pissed them off enough.

spoof it then

>that 1% of users that uses a machine without Pluton or SafetyNet
Funnily enough Apple is our saving grace from this potential mess.

>Pluton can be defeated
They throw you a bone to make you complacent then ratchet things up once you're boxed in.

Hey, how about abiding by Microsoft ToS? They're good enough to make an OS that runs seamlessly with the top hardware available on the market and they don't even sell it for that much. They also offer free upgrades from the last OS for the last 2 releases so they are giving it you you for free if you had a legitimate copy of the last OS. So how about you stop trying to work around the rules? Maybe don't pirate? Netflix is not that expensive, my dude.

>They would be perfectly comfortable letting those investors eat a few quarters of no revenue
Lol, lmao

Most people buying hardware are "newly rich" 3rd worlders or kids buying their 1st PC. They are all building rainbow RBG glowing rigs and don't care about any of this. The people you're talking about were never a big source of income and they will still need to buy parts in the future. No loss

This. It'll be a cold day in Hell when Apple allows a Microsoft-created chip-to-cloud program to run its hardware. For once, we can praise Apple for its autistic closed ecosystem; it's going to save us from corporate enslavement.

and once more the bsd system saves us from software hell

Are you actually braindead? Apple has been using remote attestation on their locked down hardware for years. You literally cannot run your own software on an iphone and even a jailbroken iphone will not have access to any apple's stuff like imessage

His point is that online services won't be able to require Pluton because it would lock out Apple users. Meaning that Linux users wouldn't be locked out either, as a side effect.

Nothing will require exactly Pluton. All you need is an approved form of remote attestation (like, for example SafetyNet on android) which is already existent in ALL apple hardware.

Oh. Well, in that case, we're fucked.

general purpose computing is very not profitable which apple has proved with the iphone