How do you get over a breakup with someone you truly loved? It's been 5 months, and it hasn't gotten any easier...

How do you get over a breakup with someone you truly loved? It's been 5 months, and it hasn't gotten any easier. I have been depressed ever since and life sucks. I'm currently getting drunk right now.

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user, i have bad news for you...

you only live once, life hurts more than anything.
it takes on average double the length of the relationship to recover from it emotionally.
honestly, it will hurt, it will feel like your heart is being ripped out of you.
but, it does get better.
let yourself cry, drink if you want, eat life shit on occasion. stay inside, and if you have anyone to talk to, talk, if you won't have anyone, talk to strangers on the internet.
it'll get better, maybe, or maybe not. but you never know until you try.
just remember that if nothing else, at least the good times happened in the first place

you don't really. it will scar you forever. But in the end, as long as you value being a better person for yourself, life gets better. its tough. be someone you are proud of.

Be curious on your journey user. There is more to explore here.

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how do I get her back? please don't reply with "move on, you deserve better" bullshit I just want HER back, I don't care about being happy with someone else. I only want her back. I want to marry her that's all that matters to me. What can I do? and no I won't give up

no "plenty of fish in the sea" BS.

Why is it all that matters to you user? Why are aren’t you content with being by yourself?

Takes me a year or 2.

kek 5 months ain't shit. I felt it for years. I probably would've gotten over it quickly if I wasn't a recluse and actually tried dating other people. Just get another gf or bf.

This is why you don’t feel better.
You broke up because there was something wrong with the relationship. What was it? Is it still a problem? Why would the relationship work this time?
Also, what did she weigh? Did she like anal? Was she blonde?
I guarantee she wasn’t anything special and you would be happier taking what you’ve learned and using it on a better one.
I saved you for being a faggot though.

boy are you in a pickle
luckily there's always a simple solution

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aint gonna give us shit then ask for advice?
>how do I get her back?
try, you got her in the first place.
What did you do? What did she do?
did she cheat, did you? did it just fall apart, who knows.

what we had was one of a kind. we were each other's first loves and bestfriends for 4 years. so many trips together where all we did was walk around the city, go on dates every day, watch movies, shower, and sleep together. living with no worries. and the times we were apart we spent every moment in call or texting. she doesn't want to talk anymore. she messaged me a few days ago after months of no contact. I just want her back. it was like we were the only people in the world.

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have you tried texting her back

I know what you're feeling dude. I really do. I know it fucking hurts. It's one of the worst feelings a person can experience. You have to go after something else. If you don't then that pain won't go away.

she messaged "I hope you are okay" and I replied "thank you, I wasn't expecting a message from you. I hope you are okay too."

message her again, maybe she's afraid cuz it's been so long and she's afraid you've moved on.
most girls don't move on quickly.
try hard enough and you can try to rekindle something

Hi, op. Drunk user here.
In a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend whom I plan to marry and have kids. I couldn't be happier. Honestly, if she left me id be upset for a bit. The fact that you are letting her control your life is sad. Either get your shit together and move on or kill yourself. Nobody likes to hang around a sad piece of shit. So if you don't get it together soon all the friends you think you have now will go away and you will be even more alone than you think you are.

>TLDR kill yourself

It has been 4 years. I still think of her, but less and less.

The sad truth is, you gotta get laid. Good laid (a bad lay won't really do it).

Girls rebound from breakups easier because they generally get a good fuck in sooner.

Guys tend to ruminate for years even if the relationship was kinda shit. A lot of us are guilty of it. It's easy to spot but hard to dig out of.

Best advice I can give is, be hedonistic for a little bit, avoid a spiral, then don't jack off for a couple weeks and go get your hard dick sucked.

You'll be surprised how fast you get over her user.