

Attached: 1.jpg (395x480, 30.55K)

So basically they’re an intruder?

Intruders should be shot

You got it fucked into you. You knew rhe risk.

OP does not believe in body autonomy. OP does not believe in liberty.

This applies to ticks as well. You have no right to remove a tick from your body before it's done feeding.

You didn't agree to have a tick into you by having sex

>I've never heard of rape before.

You agreed to have a tick on you by entering it's habitat. All parasites deserve access to your body, including fetuses.

So for you babies are just parasites? what is the difference whitin a baby and a thick then?

Your fault if you got raped. Next time don't be so weak.

A fetus isn't a baby, and a tick can survive without it's host

Attached: killing tapeworms is murder.jpg (474x576, 33.84K)

Tapeworms aren't human

On that note, it is the fetus's fault for getting scooped out, it should have practiced better opsec if it wanted to fortify someone else's body, better luck next time fetus.

The commandment is thou shalt not kill, doesn't say anything about humans.

ah shit my bad, forgot humans were worth keeping alive

I'm allowed to leave my door unlocked people still aren't allowed to intrude. Women have a right to stand their ground!

What a thrill
With darkness and silence through the night
What a thrill
I'm searching and I'll melt into you
What a fear in my heart
But you're so supreme!

I give my life
Not for honor, but for you (snake eater)
In my time, there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you (snake eater)
I'm still in a dream, snake eater

Someday you go through the rain
Someday you feed on a tree frog
It's ordeal, the trial to survive
For the day we see new light

I give my life
Not for honor, but for you (snake eater)
In my time, there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you (snake eater)
I'm still in a dream, snake eater

I'm still in a dream, snake eater
(Snake eater)

you can keep posting your stupid zero-effort image until the earth is burned away, you'll still get blown out by people with more than two brain cells in the comments.
Which is why you keep making threads. You're just a cunt.

Everyone who breathes air deserves cancer because they know the risks of modern industrial pollution too, right.

more like putting radio active material in your throat with a lot of giant sings saying to not do that because you would get throat cancer and getting surprised that it gives you throat cancer

less than 1% of abortions are related to rape, so it is ok to deny those right?

Like industrial emissions? You do know that coal is radioactive, right?

That is exactly what breathing does, if you don't like it, stop breathing, you knew the risks.

If we're banning abortion can we fucking ban circumcision too for fucks sake? Not your body not your choice x 1000. It is not fucking okay that we're still forcibly mutilating baby's penises for no reason without consent. How the fuck is this still legal

The baby didn’t asked to be born

I’m pretty sure Boris Johnson said the same thing about being killed in a big city

You don't need to have sex to stay alive unlike breathing. So sick of roasties not taking responsibility for their stupid decisions. Whenever I see a roastie on the news that died I always laugh.

You need human contact and intimacy and the only way to get that from modern porn and video game addicted men is to promise them sex.

>baby still inside of curly brackets

Fetuses are NOT babies. They are parasites until the mother CHOOSES to carry it to maturity INTO a baby.

By that logic it should be legal to kill someone who's sleeping. "I talked to them when they were unconscious, and I asked if they wanted to stay alive, they said nothing so I figured it was okay to kill them".

It is legal to kill someone who is sleeping on your property. Castle Doctrine.

>i can invite people in then shoot them!
and rightfully be charged with a crime keep seething.

>You need human contact and intimacy
I love when they show their true colors
>you are no entitle to sex incel
>nooooooooooooooo I need to have sex otherwise i will die and yes I have to kill the baby