Imagine being so clueless that you get dunked on by Jeff Bezos

Imagine being so clueless that you get dunked on by Jeff Bezos

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Biden hasn't reacted or commented on anything in his own words or of his own volition one time.

Do you think he would have committed suicide if the last line read

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everyone gets dunked on by jeff bezos, don't kid yourself

Not his ex wife.

Yep, I’d be surprised if Biden can still use a phone

Counterpoint: Imagine being so clueless that you actually believe these gas prices have ANYTHING to do with inflation. Fucking brain damaged fucks.

what Biden said is legitimately one of the dumbest things I've ever seen anyone say. It's just comical at this point.

>russia invading ukraine is somehow bidens fault
clueless indeed OP

Gas prices were already jacked up before Vlad's forest adventures.

ok when is Jeff Bezos going to dunk on someone
>op was a faggot

So you're saying gas/petrol prices are not connected to petroleum production rates or prices? That's true and something Biden pointed out in that tweet

>jacked up
they were right about where they would have been had the pandemic not happened. you dumb fucks keep forgetting that the population was stuck inside for 2 years which caused prices to go down. when that basically was finished (read people are vaxxed) they are going out and doing stuff again which dries demand up. this is normal but then the war happened. this should not be complicated to grasp user

Nice strawman. We all know Biden made several decisions that hindered the oil and gas industry and jacked up prices. It wasnt all him but he had a big part in it.

such as?

Rigged elections and low grade bio-weapons arent complicated to grasp either. And neither is the fact that pedocrats knew demand would come back and they did nothing.

>the president isn't responsible for any of his actions
I hate you establishment pig bootlickers so much

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>source: this meme i saw on facebook

Of course it's Bidens fault.
Why do you give a single fuck about Ukraine? Because Biden has had personal business dealings there with his family?

Seem Bidens owns words he wanted to destroy the oil industry.

You get what you vote for.