Forget to place the correct trailing commas manually

>Forget to place the correct trailing commas manually
>Your system breaks trying to load invalid json
What is going to replace this?

Attached: json-compressor.png (895x320, 3.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

there's json5, i think it allows trailing commas
One place i worked used protobuffs, but i'm not sure how popular they are outside backend stuff

TOML for manually edited config files.
JSON can remain for data created procedurally.

Hmm I'm not sure

Attached: toml.jpg (672x700, 53.12K)

Seems like a js problem to me

>trailing commas
What the fuck are you doing that causes trailing commas? Sounds like you are a retard.

Noo, stop, you can't insult the heckin Douglas Crockofshiterinos


>The best thing we can do today to JavaScript is to retire it.

Attached: jaysung.jpg (632x560, 56.95K)

there was nothing wrong with xml

Ini files were better back then.


come home


beautiful, I wish some cryptocurrency price websockets would use this.
I dare you to look at how inefficient is (it sends data for all topics not just the one you're interested in). I'm clocking it at 100 KB/s sometimes, might as well be a literal video/audio stream at that point.

"topic": "trade.BTCUSD",
"data": [
"trade_time_ms": 1660466361580,
"timestamp": "2022-08-14T08:39:21.000Z",
"symbol": "BTCUSD",
"side": "Sell",
"size": 13498,
"price": 24775.5,
"tick_direction": "ZeroMinusTick",
"trade_id": "7ef73997-74a3-50e0-9e10-f8b8da32688e",
"cross_seq": 15004627698

"trade_time_ms": 1660466361588,
"timestamp": "2022-08-14T08:39:21.000Z",
"symbol": "BTCUSD",
"side": "Sell",
"size": 3,
"price": 24773,
"tick_direction": "ZeroMinusTick",
"trade_id": "8f47dffd-98f4-50ed-a5f9-b869bbfb43b7",
"cross_seq": 15004627717

I don't care either way.
But isn't YAML far more common?
Feels like YAML has become the standard for human edited files.

YAML is also way more cancer than JSON.

- hard to read
- slow to parse
- big file sizes

In what way?
It's a lot easier to edit by hand, and I do both all the time.

Let me guess: your text editor doesn't have syntax highlighting for YAML so you keep fucking up the whitespaces?

Already moved to yaml
Spent a while documenting each config
Feels cleaner already
Only thing that bothers me is that users might run into indentation problems
Since tabs are not allowed

>What is going to replace this?
Have you heard of this new tech called SQL? Looks very promising.

>What is going to replace this?
Better programmers than you for being so fucking stupid.

That's pretty cool.
Surprised this hasn't caught on.

HCL not bad
Too bad its only go and only used by hashicorp

lisp > json

So you've never failed to add & remove the commas in the appropriate places?
I guess you don't program so let me tell you, it happens often
And if your system is programmed to update the config on file changes, it's gonna auto-break
Now fuck off

No because I use a linter as I'm editing them so it tells me if it's wrong before I even try it.
JSON linters exist for a reason you fucking dunce.