Made a joke with a coworker about using the bathroom after another female coworker so I could smell her dumps

Made a joke with a coworker about using the bathroom after another female coworker so I could smell her dumps.
Called into HR and fired the very same afternoon.
What the fuck?

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LOL wtf
dumb fk

Totally happened

Well you're probably autistic af

I’m not autistic. I’m a 31 year old man

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you've never been employed

verification not required

implying mutal exclusivity

That’s awkward and cringe as fuck and I’m not surprised you were fired. Next time you want to say something retarded at work you’ll know better.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you were not one of their better employees

I used the bathroom after her once and it smelled like heaven.

Who was the coworker who listened to the joke? Who was the coworker’s dump you wanted to smell? Describe

OP's vote is just as valid as yours during elections.

Way to go you awkward dipshit

>Called into HR
Question remains, how did HR get to find out? Your coworker rat you out?
I'd sue the company over wrongful termination, due to hearsay and false rumors

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women are faggots

with every fire, theres a little burn...just one tiny scorch and we pass the torch. (burn) (just) (a) (little) (bit) and the searomony is complete

women do suck dick.
I think you might be on to something.

The coworker I joked with was named Marilyn. She’s a woman in her 60’s

The other coworker who’s dump I wanted to smell is Lara. She’s 25

It’s cause you’re a faggot