What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-02 at 22-58-54 (3) Home _ Twitter.png (598x220, 48.02K)

"I'm too pussy to ACTUALLY do anything about this crisis that's affecting millions of Americans, but I want everybody to like me! Everyone, please oh please, like me! Look! I said the thing you want me to say! Please raise my approval ratings, please!"

So Biden things business can operate at cost, as if a business is a zero-sum game. He, once again, demonstrates that the Left have no clue how economics works. What about overhead, to say the very least? What about funding future improvements to the business, expanding, unexpected expenses, retail shrink, drive-offs, shoplifting, employee wages, and the like?

Nah. Just operate at-cost, so the Left can then REEEEEE about evil Capitalism when businesses collapse when following advice from the Left. Just like they did with small businesses going under when government forced them to close for Covid.

Buncha fuckin idiots.

He is trying to deflect blame for high gas prices to market forces (or, in eco-illiterate-speak, “corporate greed”). If I were advising Biden I would tell him to go all in on blaming Putin for the high gas prices and say that Putin is waging economic warfare on us with the high gas prices.

Not a bad idea, after he warned Poots that he would "use every tool in our considerable arsenal."

He means that he has a fundamental misunderstanding of the simplest economic, supply and demand factors. This issue is endemic amongst liberals and is why the economy tends to take a total shit under the helm of Democrats.
>Price at the pump
The real issue is that Biden decided to end all the pipelines and drilling in the U.S. the day he got into the hot seat... well his handlers did anyway, which injected substantial uncertainties into the fuel markets, chief amongst which is taxation and the push for "Green Energy" which is lib speak for, "Handouts to political allies." Both sides do this, but the Democrats are particularly filthy about it. Couple that with the fact that the abject retard Eurofaggots eliminated all their nuclear energy so they could import more Russian oil... which they have now embargoed, and the U.S. is shipping OUR diesel over there. Donald Trump specifically said that the dumbfuck Eurofaggots need to figure out how the world works and that entirely relying on Russian oil is a terrible idea and surprise surprise he was right about that too.
All large scale transportation rides on the back of diesel, so as the price of diesel goes up, so does everything else, including and especially other liquids like gasoline, milk, water, etc.
>Where are we headed?
That's the rub. After only a year at the helm, Biden was easily the worst president in U.S. history. We are closing in on two years and he has been an absolute catastrophe of epic proportions. If the Dems are able to vote fraud their way to holding onto Congress, after two more years this country will either be on the verge of an actual shooting civil war/insurrection or in the middle of it. This destabilizing effect will not leave the rest of the world untouched.

Essentially doing what we are doing right now is hurting us and the rest of the world more than it is hurting Putin.

Capcha: G0RV0

>and do it now

Jesus, such a weak man.

I'm sure they're shaking in their boots, Sleepy Joe.

Yes sir mr biden. Right away!

Abdul, set the prices to $1 a gallon!

Attached: 711.jpg (259x194, 9.8K)

They tried to pass an anti price-gouging bill and the republicans voted against it. Pay some attention to politics if you're going to talk about them, my guy

If we pump our own oil, why is the price so fucking high?

Because we used to export oil under Trump. Biden banned drilling on federal lands Day 1; so now we're back to #3 oil producer.
Really, this all shows the flaws of a globally connected economy

this is truly sad if this tweet is real. he needs to be in a home and all of his handlers jailed. enough is enough

Implying that guy even knows how to make a computer work at his age.

Do you honestly think he runs his twitter? lol

It isn't price gouging you fucking retard. Look at what it is wholesale, at the time of me looking it is $3.66/Gallon. Add to that taxes. Gas stations ALREADY were losing money on every gallon of gas sold, they actually only make money on the other shit you buy inside, so them going below where they are now will, quite literally, put them out of business. Put credit card fees, which is how most people nowadays pay for their gas, and gas stations further lose money on every gallon sold. A single drive off with prices this high can wipe out the entire profit of a store.
>Muh Democrats!
You clown shoe faggots voted for this shit even after being told that this exact scenario was going to happen. Shit, nigger, the Democrats own both houses of Congress and could easily get anything they want passed right now without a single Republican vote. It isn't coming up though, I can't fathom a reason why.
>Other solutions
Why not simply suspend the taxes on oil and gas and force states to do the same? In my area (OK) we are already a low tax state, but in Kalifornistan it would cut the price in half in a day.

An yet theyre making record profits. Boot licking faggot kys

Just pumped yesterday, I haven't pumped gas in a couple months. I quit pumping after 5 seconds lol. Couldn't believe how fast the cost was increasing. Fuck that! Fucking oil tycoons are savages.

>mad at supply and demand
>solution is to increase supply or destroy demand
>environmentalists explode at drilling on federal lands, polar bears or something
>so no new supply, increased demand
Economics wasn't your strong suit was it

You simply don't know what you're talking about. If anyone is making record profits, it is the government you no brained, ass licking, triple faggott. Now adjust the numbers you see there for pure inflation which was brought on by you fucking idiotic Democrats. Surprise! The profits are actually lower.

I know economics, even the basest example entirely eludes your shit filled brain, but the only way prices went up is because of uncertainty brought about by the Democrats.

>Shit, nigger, the Democrats own both houses of Congress and could easily get anything they want passed right now without a single Republican vote
In the Senate, you need 60 votes in order to end debate on legislation and move to a vote. The Dems need Sinema and Manchin to fall in line, plus 10 Republicans, to pass bills.

Open your own oil refinery and make record profits; then donate said profits to the Treasury

Economics was no liberal's strong suit.

Capcha: K00k4

lol, republicans pretending any of their economic policy has been valid since reagan

you don't even have economic policy anymore

>I have no idea how money works

This is the Twitter equivalent of old man shouting at clouds.