Would you date a single mom who has a young kid?

Would you date a single mom who has a young kid?

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i guess if she's really nice and loving

Does she have a lil girl?

Is the lil girl cute?

sure for some milf pussy. id have no real intention of staying with her tho

And no, I promise I'm not asking for any kind of pedoish rapey reason. Wink Wink.

No, because I couldn’t ever treat the kid like my own and that wouldn’t be fair. Also it’s likely the mother is trashy and made poor choices. However if her husband died, and she’s not trashy, I would respect her, but not date.

Not really, I'd rather be alone than know this woman might end up divorcing me (i mean, assuming this is the context) and essentially causing more childhood trauma...

Not if the kid is black that would be offensive to their culture, black kids don’t have fathers.


Sure, if attractive I'd date her for a while to enjoy fucking her.

I have before

I am currently. Kids not quite 3, ive been around for near on a year. Honestly never saw myself doing it but im happier now than i have been in awhile. Went on a holiday to the mountains and it was just lovely. Working on making them more outdoorsy.

Tried to twice, actually. One was a coworker that jumped my bones at her place after a movie and the other one was a childhood acquaintance that I hadn't seen for 12 years, she seduced me after we recognized eachother at a bar. Both had several kids with no present father figure and a lot of emotional baggage.
Both basically wanted to fuck me but weren't ready for me to be interested in pursuing them romantically, and I'll admit that I was too clingy with the coworker after she made it seem like I had a chance to date her. The acquaintance implied were together immediately after boning a few times but then ghosted me under the guise of STDs.
Both were hesitant to let me meet their kids and I respected that even if it made me feel like a stranger, and both were liars about their motives/what they wanted from me. Guess I'm attractive enough to get laid but not desirable as a partner, kinda sucks. Both times I was very serious about everything including helping support the kids.

If she is 100% my type and 8/10 or better and the kid not kids could be passed off as mine then sure.

what race is the kid ?

Dating a woman who has a kid is like dating a woman who decided to eat a giant burrito every time you see her and she farts all the time

I'd rather not

If theres good chemistry. For a relationship there would have to be guarantees that she would let me impregnate her. As raising other mens children is a no go.

Have a few times. One was a baby when we met, and the breakup was tough on me for his sake. The other had young school age daughters, who she encouraged to be very affectionate with me. Nothing happened, but I got the definite signals that she would have been ok with some mild "infractions" in exchange for me sticking around.

>she would have been ok with some mild "infractions"
How mild?