Wikipedia is e-begging again

how pathetic

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Maybe they shouldn't have banned my account for calling out the fuckery of 20 admins all of whom are now banned themselves

Can it pls be storytiem

Block js on all wiki domains. It will fall back to pure server side. It's that simple. Point your adblockerand antimalware to mop up the rest (easy rules)

it just dawned on me how rarely i use wikipedia.

its filthy with acitivists supressing and rewriting history and smeering people i hadnt really noticed it till they fucked with stephan molyneux suddenly there was faux outrage at him cause and old clip surfaced where he said race/iq seems to correlate and suddenly his wikipedia page is headed with ALT RIGHT FASCIST STEPHAN MOLYNEUX...

sir please understand free content

>try to change the Holocaust wiki article to fiction
>get banned
>now they want me to give them $3
lol no

Midwit doesn't understand they dont publish information for free.
You're welcome

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yeah i like to put wikipedia articles in the fiiction section of the wiikilibrary too. the wikipolice haven't wikicaught me yet.

>paying just for looking up celebrity deaths

Is this wikipedia but just without the ads?

came in here to say this
The creator believes that Wikipedia is infiltrated by the NSA/government, so they made wikiless. It also blocks the begging

>The creator believes that Wikipedia is infiltrated by the NSA/government, so they made wikiless. It also blocks the begging
so he bought his own domain and just mirrors everything on wikipedia?

They neeeeeeeed to survive! How else will we get our biased articles on modern topics that people can easily change and point to, to deboonk something?

saw an article on HN last time the begging was going on about this, and apparently they have plenty of money. i never donated to them before, but that pretty much convinced me NEVER to donate to them

>Goes on a long edit war to literally change the very definition of recession just to support the political agenda of the current crony US government trying to save face
Yeah nah they can go fuck themselves

You can only hope that it is the same. But you can only hope wikipedia is credible in the first place anyway. In general take everything with a grain of salt.

Talk page or your fake and gay

Reminder that Wikipedia running costs are only like 1/15th of their actual earnings.
The overwhelming majority of their funding goes to corporate holidays and paying millions of dollars to each board member every year.
Meanwhile everyone below board literally does it for free.