Is it morally wrong for a Grown Ass Adult (tm) to be interested in youth culture?

Is it morally wrong for a Grown Ass Adult (tm) to be interested in youth culture?

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Soccer moms and their ilk would consider you a pedo. The kids themselves would most likely see you as weird and not fitting in whatsoever unless you're one of those very rare "cool grown ups" to them. Also any attempts to actually partake in their subculture would look like shit on you.

I actually get on really well with soccer moms. The kids look up to me, and I know how to wear the style in a way that doesn't clash with my age.

no, how else am i going to get pussy from women half my age?
oh for it

not really sure what you are talking about but i miss the old scene/emo kids the boys especially witht he hair and the nail polish, reminds me of good days and excellent orgasms

Stop being a manchild and actually grow up. Getting older doesn't mean you're grown up mentally. You're no better than the adults who wear diapers and baby clothes.

It's not really being a manchild though if I'm competently and responsibly fulfilling the role of role model. I have a degree in psychology btw I actually know what I'm doing.

>appeal to authority fallacy
Yet, you're still an idiot. I look at people like you the same I look at women in their late 30's/early 40's who dress like their teen daughters. It's weird.

>muh indepth reality-contemplating dimension-destorying facial expressions
go look at yourself, you lame arm chair judge

Good luck then, may Chris Hansen never catch you.

who's the girl in OP's pic

I'm always intrigued by people who degrees. The more of them I meet, the more I'm convinced that spending years in universities rots your brain and makes you completely unable to function in the real world. The number of people with various degrees who I've had to tear apart and rebuild just so they can do the job they were supposedly qualified for is ridiculous.

It's not actually an appeal to authority fallacy though is it. A bachelor degree is an entry level qualification, it doesn't bestow upon a person the status of an authority figure. I was sharing that information about myself to prove that my intentions towards the younger generation come from a place of positive intentions supported by professional training.

>I actually get on really well with soccer moms

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you can thank globalism for increasing social suspicion and for cutting off large parts of social information
now every man looks like a creep when they try to get close to literally anyone without "paying to be there" or being there "without" a reason
just look at most of the world, russia for example, highly empathetic people
they hang out and socialize literally almost every second of the day and they're not even commies anymore
they are just as imperialistic as the west, meaning they too, invite niggers and gooks into their land
its not that im asking you to invite niggers in your home
but i am asking why you reject a large percentage of people even in basic interaction
most humans are on the same page, even if they're in a backwards mind-frame (commies), they still know whats going on
so why is there such a massive social disconnect going on, doesnt make sense tbh
like, in a better time, this post would look like a forgotten worry berried under the fallen leaves from the branches of prosperity

lul; buried

Suspicion serves its purpose. There is no shortage of weird predators attempting to exploit the social function of adult role model for their own nefarious purposes. If one is unwilling to commit to a training course or academic degree before undertaking such a role, then it is reasonable to treat such a person with suspicion.

>exploit the social -function- situation
people have their own right to determine their safety beforehand.
for a parent to open the door and express suspicion just degrades themselves, their peers and destroys the co-operative future of the people involved. suspicion is serious and serious is rare, so instantly becoming suspicious is unhealthy unless you're finnish
and if you really mean " exploit the social function of adult role model.."
then you're delusional because children are exposed to other adults literally all the time, even if its a one way interaction like videos

but yeah, ur deal about going to college for a degree to be able to see kids for the rest of ur life is definitely corrupt
get a life groomer

if you get asked to help the church by teaching for their youth program
if you show up to churches with a resume and an interview, then yes
you're definitely fucked up and you've probably ended up with the same type of fucked up individuals

I'm a professional groomer, user. It is an honorable profession.

Surely having a resume would imply having more qualifications than just some random church goer, who may well have ulterior motives for accepting the offer.