What desktop enviroment are you using?

What desktop enviroment are you using?

Attached: ec7f1c47b52d3e4c798e65e8f62df789.jpg (886x552, 71.1K)

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i boot up into the tty and only launch my homegrown awesomeWM-based DE if i absolutely need an x11 rendered window for stuff that absolutely required a graphical interface


Unity was doing some things right, but Canonical and their NIH syndrome kept it closed to Ubuntu only and ultimately killed it

if Any Forums is so opinionated on bloat, then why aren't wms the norm instead of des

Then try this:

It's run by jeets.

Saphir, tiling window manager extensions for TempleOS WinMgr

Attached: VirtualBox_TOS_13_08_2022_15_26_03.png (640x480, 13.37K)

your larp is so boring

How would they even access Any Forums on TempleOS?

>if Any Forums is so opinionated on bloat
Only a couple of people. Besides, < 500MB for a DE and a couple hundreds more for everything else is acceptable nowadays on 8-16GB PCs and I even dare to call it "lightweight", compared to, say, Ubuntu 18.04 and later that freezes ten seconds in during live install on a 1GB system.

A desktop environment built around its specific libraries isn't actually any bigger than a mishmash of programs with a random "window manager".

Kde plasma with Wayland is pure sex



>portal breaks decorations
the true sex experience

Gnome. They're right about this.

gnome devs are absolute macfags


I'm using CDE

The worst window management available. Everything else is amazing, but their window management is abhorrent