Open appstore

>open appstore
>find app
>click install
>app is installed
why does linux still struggle with this?

Attached: 1629924840435.png (1142x644, 652.17K)

good morning sir

100+ iq people don't need colorful icons to install an application

Attached: apple.jpg (1500x1500, 266.34K)

Mac App Store feels abandoned by Apple. Besides that, why would I even need it if I can just drag and drop an app?


Probably because proper app stores are curated by paid staff. Compare and contrast to FOSS liquishit, where everything is "maintained" by either a pseudonymous anime avatar in his mom's basement, if at all.

linux isn't for normal people

>open terminal
>sudo "package manager" install "desired app"
You fucking nigger

>$50 for a calendar

Attached: 1361476665422.gif (320x193, 1.79M)

Ahem, you were saying?

Attached: pop-os-pop-shop.png (2921x959, 568.4K)

>open appstore
>find app
>click buy
>send 60 dollarinos to goyim for a fucking calendar
>good goy
>app is installed

Attached: file.png (480x175, 58.98K)

Just compile from source, bro. Like freecad. That's the Linux way.

>inb4 iToddlers will defend this and call you poorfag/freetard

>desired_app: package not found
Or worse
>desired_app: requires 114,200 packages, size totalling 610GiB. Continue Y/N?
Or even worse
>desired_app: requires 114,200 packages, size totalling 610GiB. Continue Y/N? Y
>(wait two days)
>desired_app: installing...
>desired_app: cannot install, libfreetardshit-1.9.2.faggot.tard.pl23 conflicts with libfreetardshit-1.3.9.tranny.loser.pl19. Stop.

9/10 bait

nice job

>$40 text editor

>He doesn't use minimalist software

more like poopOS


You sound like a 13-year-old boy.


>try to install app
>uninstalls your DE

>t. pseudonymous anime avatar in his mom's basement
You've gotta stop reacting like some loser Tumblarina. Words don't hurt user - you (and your shitty toy OS) are just pathetic.

I tried to update my PopOS through that thing once and it hanged, crashed without being able to recover and I had to reboot my machine and go with standard apt way.

You lost me, gigachad Linux user 7314

>Linux user

Attached: 1635952976067.jpg (410x456, 22.88K)

To be fair, he's probably fallen on a few gigachads and either absorbed them osmotically, or eaten them.