Boomer crying over the state of America

Boomer crying over the state of America

This old fuck in an interview on my local news channel breaks down in tears because the racist America he grew up in that persecuted people of color and LGBTQ+ doesn't exist today.

He claims all the "boys" that died in for this country have died for nothing.

So glad to see this boomer trash generation being replaced with a new generation of love and compassion for all people.

The boomer generation really was full of racist selfish assholes.

Hope he rots in his make believe hell.


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>He claims all the "boys" that died in for this country have died for nothing.
They did lmao.

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The geezer is absolutely right.

Kek he's (you) when you're an old man, crying that the trannies have a bigger dick and the niggers are fucking your wife

When you relate to a 90-year-old dementia patient more than educated young people, you may want to take a step back and reflect on a few things.

He isn't wrong, look at just how shit everything has become since the country allowed women, niggers, and fags "rights".

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You're an ungrateful little piece of shit. Your generation is already FUCKED to high hell. Have fun reaping what you sow, dumbass.

Take a "step back" on yourself, stupid.

>He claims all the "boys" that died in for this country have died for nothing.

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So your saying we'd be better off speaking German? I agree completely.

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well, him and his fag boomers shouldn't have sold the future of the country for immediate profits. Now its a shitshow thanks to their gay selling out of their children/grandchildren
fucking niggers keep all their easy made money and sell out everything else and want to complain about how shit is fucked up??

You're a fucking moron

People over 60 - your brain literally begins to shrink. You lose cognitive function, and your ability to estimate “risk” degrades quickly. This is why the elderly fall for so many scams. They feel competent, but they suddenly feel it is appropriate to make a racist comment at dinner in public. Something they wouldn’t have done 20 years ago. They feel the world has changed, and they are right … but it ignores how they are changing as they age. They are more responsive to “end of the world” type scenarios and high pressure sales. For example, that it is their grandson on the phone and he has been arrested and needs money. The intensity of the emotion or the situation fucks with their ability to estimate the likelihood it is real. Their risk analysis is fucked.

Similar scams include situations where they are going to lose all their money unless … they invest in a stock ( market is about to crash ), or call a number because the FBI says there has been bank fraud, or whatever the scam is.

This is why Fox News does so well with this crowd. It’s all “end of the world” “communism!” “Boys in girls bathrooms!” “America is ending!”

Their old brains are simply
more vulnerable to it.

>educated young people
40 keks

>FDR opened the flood gates to Bolshevik spies to the point Harry Hopkins & White are advising him
Silents were soft on Reds and softer on their Boomer locust children; made their beds and will lie in it, the way things are going. No more Carpetbagger wars retards

>love and compassion
until someone uses wrong pronouns or votes red. Because everyone else is a nazi, right?

He might mean non-Americans, in fairness

are we not all racist selfish assholes also?

It's your fault because you drove a big vehicle and you're supposed to make their job easier.

Well when you put it that way, I do see where you're coming from.

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>So glad to see this boomer trash generation being replaced with a new generation of love and compassion for all people.


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