*Knock* *Knock*

*Knock* *Knock*

> "We have a red flag gun confiscation order! Open up!"

What's your next move, Any Forums?

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Lock my guns in my safe and go ask to see their warrant. Then if they come in and find the safe they'll have to do a ton of damage to get it open that I can eventually sue for.

What if they just take the whole safe

this guy knows

fucking your mom

LOL gun tard thinks they can sue the police for activities carried out in the enforcement of a law

They'd still do damage to the safe to get the guns.
Might try that but I was talking about suing whoever asked them to take my shit.

yes you can sue the state you have civil rights...

You could pay for the privilege to have an attorney laugh at you or even more for a shady one to be laughed at by a judge for you.

Advocates of red flag laws always say that it's easy to sue for false claims. I know they're probably lying, but it's worth trying, and even if I don't win I can expose the lie.


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Question on why the FBI is there, seeing as that's local and ATF that does that.

You Do That And We're Off To Anal Town!!

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That would be just as weird, I'm pretty sure state law enforcement is outside their jurisdiction.

What if they hire a master safe cracker and he cracks the safe key

Then I sue the safe company.

What if the warranty is expired

The whole point of a safe is to remain safe forever. If there's a stupidly short warranty I'll sue over that.

What if the company doesn't exist anymore

caution: hot coffee hot

Then I guess I'm shit out of luck but I'm still suing the bitch that made a false claim against me, I just have fewer material damages.

What comes before skeet skeet?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.