How should we tackle the rampant nepotism in Big tech?

How should we tackle the rampant nepotism in Big tech?

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>ugly, short and smelly
>Awful accents
>terrible coders
>lie and cheat their way to “success”

Why are Indians such a despicable race?

white women are flocking to Indian chads and now taking all our jobs. how do we even compete?


>do not submit muslim candidates
uh, based?
sir please cease the lying onto internet

that's everything for you not being NA or west Europe.
everything else is just a lesser race including garbage south and eastern europe.

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Don't judge others by your own criteria. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. They also have their own goals as well.

Great, just what we need. A second "Tribe"

>do not redeem sirs
brown hands typed this

cope, seethe, dilate


based pajeets

Don't, you reap what you sow.

good morning sirs!

Gigachad is from russia.
>inb4 he's Azerbaijani
I didn't say he was russian.

>t. jew
go back

Make them shit in toilets only.

uhm... there is no other ethnoreligious group doing that... right??

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According to leftists only white people can discriminate and all "POC" culture is naturally egalitarian.

It's ok if you are white. Don't be silly.

and fuck off. this is just politics and "vaguely" tech.

Pol is to Jews is what
G is to poos.

No other race lives rent free in the mind of g.

cool it with the antisemitism user

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jews are to Any Forums what poos are to Any Forums
pure undiluted cancer