The cold approach works

>the cold approach works
>just talk to 100 women and one will respond positively
The 3 messages were from "representative Stephanie" congratulating me on joining

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This is pretty funny, sorry bro. Not trying to make fun of your situation just acknowledging the struggle.

I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't see the humour. Oh well. If my struggle gives some of you a laugh its fine

Bruh, at least you could join. Back when I was dating, I tried to sign up, filled the shit out honestly and it said I wasn't a good fit for the site. I didn't do anything ridiculous like say I hated Jews or anything. Rejected by a dating site was probably the most humiliating thing ever. I made a new gmail account and lied on my answers and got accepted later. lol

Met my wife playing WoW a year later. Hang in there user, she's out there.

Thanks user. But lets be real. I'm overweight, antisocial, 23 and still living at home, and only have a few thousand to my name. Any chick i land will only use me for a meal or too. Probably just need to dlfocus on myself for now

Go to the fucking gym, fatty.
It's not that hard.
Once you see results it will bolster your confidence and help with the antisocial shit.
Everyone is living at home at 23 these days retard.
Just go fucking lift and in 2-3 years you will be at least average looking and far more confident.

I have some time, so let's try and figure out a plan. What do you enjoy doing?

23 is young. You can start working out (even just walking is a lot better than nothing) and start losing pounds, which will also boost your self esteem and confidence.

Also having "just a couple grand" is better than a lot of people these days who are living paycheck to paycheck.

>still using online dating

you're only 23?
you can do this bro!
>Probably just need to dlfocus on myself for now
and you even know how! be the best you, the rest will follow

When I was your age I had never even kissed a girl.

You need hobbies that aren't gaming and to care for yourself. It'll make you happier with yourself and will make you more enjoyable. Remember that the main thing women want is for you to be fun to be with.

Most people are, don't know why you're making it out to be a bad thing.

>everybody's doing it so it can't be bad!
it's not necessarily bad on it's own, but if you're not super confident in your life, it can fuck you up fast

>everybody's doing it so it can't be bad!
That's not what I was saying at at all. Casting a wider net is the a great way to increase your chances of finding a partner. Options besides tinder exist despite that being the main focus of the majority. He definitely should seek other methods, but literally having it in his back pocket is not a bad thing.

Definitely work on yourself friend. You have tons of time!

>Casting a wider net is the a great way to increase your chances of finding a partner.
sure, but it's also a great way to depress the shit out of yourself by learning that millions of women aren't interested in you

I guess that's true. You need some sort of balance and not try and take it personally (though very hard since it's literally you being rejected). Try and view it as more of a tool and that you aren't being entirely rejected since no one knows you. I know it's mental gymnastics but taking most things online seriously is a recipe for disaster.

When you realize that those same millions are self-deceiving parasites who will dump you fast for a perceived better deal(who is playing the field as well) it's not as troubling.

People have def changed over the last 25 years.

>People have def changed over the last 25 years.
Care to explain your perspective user?

>>the cold approach works
>the cold approach works>the cold approach works>the cold approach works>the cold approach works


It's overflow for THE REAL DATING, yout hink you're making moves over a fucking app? Over text?

Bro put in a little fucking effort, this is the equivalent of getting upset because you didn't get rich off investing 5k in Bitcoin.

Online dating is literally always on, zero effort besides responding to messages and swiping, no chance to stand apart from the crowd and you're treating it as your main approach? Not only that but getting mad because it doesn't work. LOL it's not 2012 anymore you aren't gonna be rolling in A1 pussy off of Tinder, Match and Bumble. If anything you get a couple of 6s/7s in between the greater pursuits.

You other guys, night club, approach during the day(THIS IS WHAT cold approach is), work a social circle and you will actually LEARN something and get higher quality results.

that's the other "problem" of online dating
it self-selects some of the worst personality types
which can be fine if you're just looking to get your dick wet, but can make things tough if you're looking for anything deeper

based af

I hope you're really young because this
>great way to depress the shit out of yourself by learning that millions of women aren't interested in you

is A) not productive and B) none of your fucking business what some girl thinks of you, and C) you won't think this way when you're 30 you will only look back and regret tons of missed opportunity because TIME is the real enemy.

Please read my previous post and understand you and your generation live in the greatest time period ever to do this and meet women. Get off social media it's killing your brain, get in the gym, stop assuming the female role no matter what society tells about "real men cry or w/e" you have to toughen up and be the MAN. No substitute this is the number 1 key to success, if you step to the woman looking for validation you should get shut down she's in her right because she NEEDS a MAN that's step 1.

You need male peers to do this well it is essential, you need to go out and meet women face to face, you need to try, you need to fail, you need to experiment. I don't care how introverted you are. Nightlife is the quickest way to git gud point blank.

Step one is to afford either a car or to move out. I like this Meme because its kind of how I'm going through life right now.
As for what i enjoy I play violin and am looking into seof defense classes

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I'm 30, and I've watched friends fuck themselves up over the past decade with online dating
your points are cogent, but the human brain doesn't always listen to logic, particularly when your dick gets involved
more women != better women
I think we agree on this point, I assume that's why you're advocating people to get off their asses and meat girls IRL

>meat girls

bro, if you've got a bit of disposable income, you should check out an electric violin
shit's about $1k and sounds cash af

Think of it this way user. First impressions are everything and most people don't read the bios. So when you or a woman sees a shoddy not so photogenic picture of yourself they're gonna swipe no instead of giving it a chance. But if you're out there in person you have double the chance or at least more of a chance of getting a number because you can physically talk and interact with women.