Women would rape us if they could. don't you ever forget this fact

women would rape us if they could. don't you ever forget this fact.

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They actually do, Chemical weapons capable of discreetly incapacitating their targets for rape exist and cardi b uses them. Commonly known as date rape drugs.

Raping women is A-OK. Never forget that either, OP.


So go ahead and do it. We'll see your fat face on the news

Got raped last night by a lady and I enjoyed it.

Yeah no shit that's how rape works


Can confirm. Wife is always super horny and threatens to rape me all the time.

I thought we lived in a rape culture where women are getting raped left and right and nobody cares

Then you didnt get raped. You have a submission fetish.

I didn't. What does that have to do with what I said.

How is that tiny fedora working out for you, you triple-chinned never-seen-the-sun white knight?

Yes, you do. If you enjoy it, it stops being rape and becomes a submission fetish.

aaaaaachktually.... if you're actively fighting back and not submitting but still get off, you have a rape fetish, as you enjoy being overpowered and forced, not submitting

Stop this, Both of you. Why is it you immediately go for the same stereotype for opposite people? Have you ever noticed that? The world sees you both as a triple chinned fedora wearing shut in isolated from the world. And your takeaway, Your response, Is to reinforce this concept? Why? You're just submitting to it. You're internalizing it. You will become this stereotype if you continue.

user has a good point- you're a triple-chinned never-seen-the-sun white knight. I wasn't going to respond so I'm glad he did.

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shut the fuck up nigger

your perception of me matters not. I've got a big dick and a wife with a rape/slap/choke fetish. the only hat I own is properly sized for my head and used mainly when it rains. I will call out the soy and point and laugh wherever it is found. I perceive you as the "are my girly shorts too tight" poster.

You know im right. You know you're gonna gain weight, buy a fedora, and move back in with your mom any day now.

its not what you are now. Its what you will internalize and become.

not the user you were responding to but thanks for helping me realize I have a rape fetish.

That guy is a gem, I always chuckle when I see his thread in the catalog.

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Jesus. This asshole is a fucking moron.
It must really hurt to be this STUPID.

It’s not rape if it’s consensual

found the female rapist. I guess instead of glowing, you just smell. smell of fishy coochie.

That's still rape if he didn't say yes.

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>you have to verbally say yes and sign this consent form or else its rape culture and the patriarchy

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