Any Forums will defend this

Any Forums will defend this

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You Will die.

wtf, I like republicans now

Any Forums will defend anything. Except itself. We're off limits.

>Drug free zone sticker on classroom door
>Kids bring drugs into classroom anyway
>Gun free zone sticker on classroom door
>Kids bring guns into classroom anyway
>Rainbow sticker on classroom door
>Kids in classroom hate gays anyway
>Take down rainbow sticker on classroom door
>Kids in classroom turn out to be gay anyway

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Fun fact dumbass pushing LGBT content to children is sex-ed.
Timmy: What's that flag?
Teacher: It's the LGBT flag.
Timmy: What's LGBT?
Teacher: It's people who are attracted to the same gender.

How the conversation should go:

Timmy: What are we learning today?
Teacher: Math.

Sex-ed is for that topic not math class.

>Kids in classroom turn out to be gay anyway

Fuck both sides

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>Any Forums will defend this

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>Implying they replace math with gay


Oh no! You mean teachers have to teach math and science?!?!

I thought teachers were supposed to tell children that if they ever feel uncomfortable with their body at any time that means they need to chop their genitals off!

But why isn't it okay to tell children what I like to have stuffed up my rectum?!?!

This is literally slavery!!!1!!!!

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they got to make room for the jesus stickers


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Fuck faggots

That’s even gayer

>Any Forums will defend this
yeah with a gun

only in bible school

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It's 100% a good thing, children don't need to be exposed to sexual bullshit. Sex is for adults, OP is a pedophile and needs to be executed.

Maybe we should teach children how to dodge bullets

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>when you have no argument, so you simply move the goalpost
Kill yourself.

They might not outright replace any subjects with their gay agenda, they just cram their gay agenda into other subjects.
Its the same thing with critical race theory and teaching white kids that they are oppressors. Trying to say its not happening is just a flat out lie when you have math problems for 3rd graders telling them to solve a problem dealing with the disproportionate amount of blacks in prisons compared to whites. They do it with gays too.
Also, its kind of funny how all these teachers are posting videos on tiktok showing off their classrooms, with the walls being completely covered in pride flags and posters of Marx and Mao, and then say they are so proud that 75% of their students identify as an alphabet person. Thats just straight up grooming.

That's not what I said. I said they place things in the class that will allow for the topic to be approached. Also they do use math to push agendas just not the LGBT agenda.

Good. Stop promoting your faggotry

wtf? This ain’t no loli thread. GTFO

> children don't need to be exposed to sexual bullshit.
There goes the catholic religion.

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that's great.

>Me not like gays in school
>How dare you not indulge in my hypothetical and unrealistic situation I created to get mad at

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That picture is fucking retarded. Absolutely nobody on any side of politics isn't pissed off that those cops did nothing for an hour while kids were being killed.

Why should teachers be able to show off any their spouses at all? Sounds like personal life to me.

This is another retarded picture. Most mass shootings are mostly done with handguns.

>faggot uses strawman
>it's not effective at all

>Law that prevents the trigendered bourgeoisie from having a privileged space away from the filthy proletariat.
Libs don't support this? You all told me they were filthy commies.

And by blacks and Muslims

>sex ed
>sex maek bobbies
>STDs and STIs
>use a condom in all cases of penetration as best practice
tell me again why fags need their own special little aside in a sex ed setting? You're not special, get over it.

>when moving the goalpost fails, so you resort to gaslighting instead

Yup. I only knew when they were married if they got pregnant. School is for learning and their job is to teach. The left don't have kids though so they want to brainwash yours.

>dumbfuck has to try and move the goalpost
>oblivious to the fact the despite US gun ownership is at an all time low shootings are at an all time high

>Being mean to me is gaslighting

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Kek, I thought it was on topic since there is such a thing as catholic school.

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Private vs public school.

Taxes are being paid for private schools now.

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No need to. Its basedness speaks for itself.

If no one stands up to satan they will win. Simple as. Look deeper. A lot of young peopel are very smart but few take few long journeys..heh they're more like busy local airports, lots of fuss but they never go anywhere. Doomed Zooms -_-