Is there any way to make a latina less jealous/possessive?

Is there any way to make a latina less jealous/possessive?
>seeing this latina chick who is a decent fuck and has a great ass
>not exclusive with her but i think she wants to be
>she's starting to act a little crazy, mostly when she's drinking
>don't wanna cut her off but i am not getting exclusive
what do

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I married a latina almost 20 years ago. They are just this way, they never change. But they're hot, so it's a trade off

Maybe I should treat her like a child when she gets jealous about other girls? Tell her I won't be speaking to her if she's going to act that way and that she's in time out? She's never seen me texting anyone or doing anything but she knows I'm on dating apps and shit. Either way I am not exclusive with her.

Any sauce on the pic? image search just links to spam sites

they say you have to treat all women like children. scold and punish them when necessary etc.

>how do we fix women
the human question

Girlfriends's Colombian, and doesn't get jealous. It just depends on the girl.

Yea, therapy lol. Instilling low level mental issues into their children's heads is second only to tortilla making on their priorities list. Specifically the older generations. Younger generations are beginning to realize that a lot of things they thought were their culture were actually just blatant fucking mental issues being justified with "hehe I'm just Latino/Latina, that's how we are!"

Psychologists will happily tell you that being the child of/living with somebody who has the nastier mental problems is easily one of the most traumatic and damaging things you could put a child through. ...And these fuckers are having like 6 kids who are welcome to live at home with them and their 5 siblings and maybe a grandma or two until they're 30. Anybody with an even mildly dysfunctional or crazy family should be able to see why even their actual culture might sort of facilitate the passing-down of various mental issues through the generations. Certain types of crazy spread like a flu in a small crowded house.

Had a Latina ex. View them as emotional children and be the adult in the room. They need and crave to be tamed but will resist if you’re not firm enough. That ass is usually worth it though

This. I can't even go to the beach anymore because if my eyes go near a bikined girl wife will freak out

How firm are we talking?

> jealous/possessive

That's the price of the spicy taco bro

it's a roller coaster everywhere, in the bed and out

No. And double bag your dick. Shes gonna try and get pregnant.
LatiNas and asians are stinky too

They assume that you are just as unfaithful as they are, so no.

>nybody with an even mildly dysfunctional or crazy family should be able to see why even their actual culture might sort of facilitate the passing-down of various mental issues through the generations. Certain types of crazy spread like a flu in a small crowded house.

JFC a Million Times This. No one ever talks about this shit and it pisses me off. It's not just latin families, asian families have this shit too. The pressures are different, and while you won't be living in the SAME home you better be close by, but the shit is the same. Anytime someone spouts off the "Close family is in our culture!" bullshit, it's a Giant red flag for generational trauma.

This is well said. They want to be tamed (by white men mostly) but will push back for sure if you give them any wiggle room. You have to be ready to cut them off forever. Don't give them any leverage.

I think most latina women are faithful and want the same, for their own reasons. It drives them fucking crazy if there's even the tiniest seed planted that you might be talking to or fucking other women, even if you're totally within your rights to do so.

My wife's a Latina. She's told me she loves that I put her in her place. It's exhausting but that fat ass is worth it.

It's not something I feel the need to correct. It doesn't bother me. I'm the man of the house and what I say goes, she respects this. She just gets jealous easy, it doesn't escalate

They're good girls at the end of the day. Absolute nutjobs, but if you dick them good, don't get caught doing anything stupid and don't let them get away with bullshit, they'll act right. I feel you on the exhaustion part.

Is it only possible to tame them into a wife or can you turn one into your exclusive slut, who will not ask questions when you breed other girls?

The way I see it, they're ticking time bombs every moment you're not exclusive with them. They just can't fucking handle it, they need the security and pride that comes with commitment, either gf or wife. Hoping the latina bitch I have right now has a long fuse and will eventually accept it, but it's already a problem for her. She gets crazy jealous out of nowhere when she hits the bottle.

Latinas are raised to be wives. They're also extremely fertile and have a strong desire to get pregnant. They have zero problems going raw

Right. Immature mind games equate to a healthy, happy relationship. Just break up with her. Do her a favor.

I never said she wouldn't be getting it raw, just not exclusively. She's exclusive to you, you aren't exclusive to her. Is that possible to mold a Latina into?

Nothing like broad generalizations


You obviously don't fuck latina. You don't belong here. You should leave.

Oh for sure, wouldn't trade her for the world. Yeah it's just exhausting.

Pic very fucking related

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the lordosis this chick has to give herself to make it seem like she has ass makes it look like she's got Big Lenny's HGH gut

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