I think people should decide what to do or not with their own bodies. Do you agree?

I think people should decide what to do or not with their own bodies. Do you agree?

Like, if they want to die, they can die. As long as you don't kill someone else.

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how long do you have to abstain from the cock carousel before you can be considered pure again?

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I think OP's should all be put down.
Abortion is a basic right of control by the mother over her body and life.
Children should be brought into this world purposefully or not at all.
Never by coercion and threat of government violence.

It's not a trespasser if it was invited

Yes. Now lets get out there and fight against covid "vaccine" mandates. Oh that's right, that's extreme government intrusion you agree with so that's OK

i think unedcuated white trash should just kill themselves already, and stop taking their seething out on the rest of us.

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Okay, so only women who get knocked up by accident should be allowed to get abortions. Got it.

And how does one get knocked up by accident? Are people unaware of how sperm and eggs work?

I'm a leftie and I don't agree with either vaccine mandates or banning abortion. Both are infringing on personal liberty. I believe individuals should be free to make their own choices, and unlike people on both the left and the right, my belief in individual liberty is consistent across all cases.

>Children should be brought into this world purposefully or not at all.
So if you don't want to have a baby, just don't get pregnant.

Are you unaware that it's possible to know how pregnancy works, take precautions to prevent it, but then get pregnant anyway because those precautions didn't work.

Yeah, I know, "Just don't have sex." Easy for an incel like you to say, since you'll never have sex anyway.

I mean the baby isn't "someone else" the placenta makes surge of that.


Just because you know your risks and take them doesn't mean you can avoid their consequences so easily. Maybe the math is in your favor but you can still get cancer for example.

Pregnancy isn't a choice, dipshit. Why did you choose to be born gay?

Just don't have sex if you don't want a baby. Are you so weak minded that you can't control your own body? Don't go sleeping around and then cry when you're upset over the consequences

Yes it is, just don't have sex. Can't get pregnant if you're abstinent

Listen, if Republicans can bail out hedge funds that made a bad investment, they can bail out a woman who got pregnant by accident.

Who’s saying it was invited?

Hope she sees this, bro.

Republicans don’t think women are human.

There are numerous plans for paying for the costs of birth so they do bail them out.

No there isn’t. There’s fuck all for assistance to pregnant women, and even less for one who’s just given birth. They don’t even wanna give women maternity leave.

It's funny that the pro-life retards hate abortion but have no problem with a state having the death penalty.

Me and my wife didn't pay for the 12-15k the birth of our kids would have cost since we didn't have a pot to piss in. Granted leave for pregnancy isn't as good as it could be but WIC is pretty helpful for basics. What are you expecting? Full year paid leave, free food and rent, scholarships, etc.?