Do you know anyone who has been injured by the vaxx?

Do you know anyone who has been injured by the vaxx?

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Not a one. But I know several unvaxxed retards who died from the coof

How old were they? Were they overweight?

I know at lest 3 people who got really sick because of the vaxx and a diabetic guy I went to school with even died because of it.

My brother told me two of his friends have fucked up, unexplainable painful symptoms since they took the vaxx. We both didn't take it and we're doing great

I got some high blood pressure after vax, I am fine now.

Three unvaxxed people who who I knew died of covid, usually 50+. Qute a lot of elderly died in my village during the pandemic in eastern europe. Some had other illneses. Quite a lot got vaxxed as a result. No one in my family had any side effects of vax.

of the 5 people I know (2 in one family) 3 were in their 30/40s and the other 2 were in their 50s. One was a fat fuck, one was one of the healthiest dudes I

Sounds like proof right there that it was a scam. Anecdotal evidence is always the best evidence.

Scam? The real scam was all those covid tests. Billions of taxpayer dollars spent on tests that mostly don't work, for a disease that's mostly harmless.

Tou guys ever wonder why China is committing to 5 more years of harsh lockdowns? It's almost like they know the virus is going to switch something in 10-20yrs. Which novel viruses have a tendency to do.
I didn't get vaxxed cos I got it before there was one available..

Holy shit, I guess I have to take the covid shot now. Anecdotal evidence is always the best evidence.

>"I didn't take the shot and I'm fine"

Wow Chud you're a fucking idiot for believing anecdotal evidence!

>"I took the shot and I'm fine"

So true!! Thank God Fauci protected us!

No. My stepson (20, skinny as fuck) fought for his life. Fever pills stopped working all of a sudden. He went straight to IC, stayed there for 2 weeks.

Good luck on the front with the new, completely immune variant, Boris. Who would've thought your shenanigans would end completely forgotten in enemy territory?

You know fuck all , dick head

Better than knowing fuck nothing.

I don't understand: did your stepson contract covid? You didn't clearly say

Uh-huh and your stepson is black and you are white, correct?

lol funny joke. like you people have the wherewithal to understand any form of evidence that doesn't already support what you thought.

Dad of one of my childhood friends died from AstraZeneca while he was perfectly healthy. Blood clots in the brain. He was dead in like a week after vaccine.

Glad to see you agree with us.

Sounds like proof right there that it was a scam. Anecdotal evidence is always the best evidence.

Are you a virologist? Where did you get your degrees?