What's the best alternative to this fucking piece of shit

What's the best alternative to this fucking piece of shit

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there shouldn't be any considering it's useless

Any software that “needs” this is the Devil’s work that is written to control men rather than free them.
A soldier of the nation that has enslaved you asks that you hold his balls so they don’t touch the ground and get dusty while he rapes your wife. All Docker does is relieve you of that obligation and allows you to let his balls get dusty. It doesn’t let you cut them off..

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it removes environmental differences and provides a sandboxed environment, both extremely useful
what's not useful? neets like you two


But then you'll soon encounter the absolute hell that is openssl3. Good luck.

KEK. Brilliant and salient.

I want to Moby Dick that cunt of a smiling whale every time. inb4 whale rapist.

Fuck off shill. Only a docker cunt believes the shit you’re attempting to pretend is useable.

all great computer science inventions have been done with docker not even existing yet. I have yet to see something grand done with this crock of shit.

>itt neets filtered by docker
It's not even hard to use wtf lmao

Someone needs to kill that fucking whale before it takes the lives of more developers and devops.


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couple of proper clueless donkeys in this thread
irrelevant, it's for building things, not researching computer science

what lmao
even a child could use it

It needs to harpooned and killed, that’s what NEEDS.

nix of course uwu

I so want to wipe that smarmy grin from that whales mouth.

And yes, those containers are unprivileged, I just start them as root so that networking is not a pain.

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VM's?? Vagrant or Terraform with Ansible?


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do you retards even know what docker does?

kvm/qemu and disk snapshots