Linux for work, windows for fun

>linux for work, windows for fun
anyone else hate when normalfriends say this?
it's implying you can't have fun when using linux, which is not true!

Attached: simple_life.jpg (800x900, 99.97K)

Year of linux gaming any day now...
Any day

well since I'm using WSL it's Windows for work and for fun for me

They say games are fun but they don't know how fun it is to rice Emacs.

not happening. until niggers keep doing gpu passthroughs on virtual fucking machines because wine is not working. windows still gonna be relevant. m$ really should just grasp on that last hope they have of a joke of an os and go full gaming os like xbox, it's the only hope they have as linux superior for literally anything else now

Windows for work,
Linux for fun.

Normiefags can seethe.

linux for fun
nothing for work because I wouldn't have time for linux if I had job

>linux superior for literally anything else now
You don't even have one desktop environment that doesn't suck

I have a lot of fun playing vidya on my linux gayming desktop.

Mac for work, Linux for work, windows not for work thank fucking God.

>KDE has entered the chat

>>KDE has enter-

Works on my machine

>Works on my ma-

Working just fine

Attached: 1634803630487.jpg (1067x720, 153.15K)

That meme is outdated. They improved the stability since.

Mac for work
Linux for servers
Windows for Games

linux for home, personal use
windows and macos for work (because it is preinstalled on the laptop your company gives to you)

sorry, memes are forever

>kde kra-
>*forcefully reboots to install an update*

She is cute and simple. Love flat chested girl

Lol there is a handheld console that runs linux.

Attached: definitely not bait.jpg (587x595, 29.84K)