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I CAN breathe

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He is right substantive due process is a bunch of made up nonsense and should be dumped.

Clarence Thomas. Nigger cured my racism. I will no longer automatically associate black people with niggers. I will THINK before I decide whether or not to call a black person a nigger.

Nigger got my vote.

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A house nigger manage to prevent the slaughter of millions of unborn babies.
Think about it.


Dubs of wisdom.

Clarence Thomas the savior of America, may God bless his BBC

Lefties and democrats showing their racism again. Five judges voted to repeal. Thomas is the only one singled out for hatred. We love blacks. BLM How dare that Uncle Tom nigger disagree with our agenda. They're only supposed to do what they're told by the democrat masters.

Thomas wrote the decision you stupid fuck

Just another field nigger

>unborn babies
and you and your horrendous faggotry
GTFO you fucking weird queer



Thomas, J., dissenting.

Danny Glover!

Uncle Tom

Clarence Thomas has been an uncle tom for 2 decades. SCOTUS is shit because of the cunt and the drunk

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The guy who writes up the decision isn't the one who made the decision. That required a group effort. Bet you're the type that wants to fire the kicker because he "lost" the game for the team. You even stupider fuck


A house nigger managed to force millions of babies to live in poverty.
Think about it.

Ah yes, preventing them from being aborted before they could survive outside of the womb only to force them into a wonderful life of abject poverty, resentful parents, failing public schools (if they don’t get shot on the way to recess), no healthcare, hunger, violence and oppression if they happen to be anything other that straight white Christian male. Conservatives aren’t pro life, they are pro birth. They couldn’t give a fuck less about the kid after it’s mother shits it out…

>bunch of silly jibber jabber
did somebody dare you to prove how stupid you are in public?

Glad somebody stepped up, millions and millions of babies were being killed. A disproportionate number were black, but Democrats don’t like to talk about that.

Alito wrote the Dobbs decision.


Damn him for collapsing. Millions and millions are going to live in hopeless misery, all because of his cowardice.