Women are going on a sex strike

Women are going on a sex strike

How long can YOU last, Any Forums?

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>only for pregnancy
White race is saved, wow this is better than expected

Imagine not knowing what a condom is.

Holy shit secular America finally coming to there senses.

Thats funny, theyre not having a sex strike, theyre just clamouring for attention. So revolutionary, not sexual liberation but sexual repression because they couldnt be bothered to use common sense at all

1. Sure they are. I bet that bitch is getting railed right now.
2. Birth control and condoms are still a thing. IUDs are extremely effective, as is a properly used condom.
3. Tons of states still have legal abortion, and will continue to have legal abortion. Pro life states might make a show out of trying to arrest women for interstate abortions, but it’s all a bullshit spectacle. There’s absolutely no way the charges could possibly stick.

Wait til those are banned in red states too, lmao

I've been without sex for 10 years now. I think I can hold out longer than they can.

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Red states are full of niggers and wiggers that never used them anyway

Good fucking luck with that. You might successfully ban them in like one state. Maybe. Not even Texas is that retarded.

>Pro life states might make a show out of trying to arrest women for interstate abortions,
lol, they're not going to do any such thing.

>women will stop whoring

I wasn't having sex anyway so they can't take it away

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This is racist against bbc and shouldn't be allowed to continue.

extremely ironic post

Damn. Not like I was getting laid anyways.

it would be cooler if they just had more abortions
and as late as they possibly could

can we make this happen? like a tiktok trend of women getting pregnant and giving them clout for how late they have their abortions?

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This is actually a very whorish thing to say.
Based on what she is saying, the reader would be reasonable to believe she is having sex with enough men to have an affect. If it was just to not have sex with one man, that's just a FU to the one man who's committed to her.

tldr - she's a whore

Attention whoring over something they know next to nothing about like usual. Like a woman can abstain from men. Make me laugh why don't you.

Hmm ... Damn bratty girl! !! ! Seducing an adult Rape correction is needed ...

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Then Jack Harlow or some other zoomer shit drops a album and everyone moves on.

I've lasted since August 2019. If any of you guys are getting laid regularly do whatever you do to keep that going. It truly sucks


>when something goes wrong women IMMEDIATELY use sex as leverage to get their way

do they not... see what they are doing?

I'm surprised she doesn't have a Verified badge next to her name.

>when something goes wrong
the something in question is directly related to sex