Why do i need spotify when it's this easy?

why do i need spotify when it's this easy?

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Proprietaryfags btfo
Based yt-dlp
Spotify premium fags seethe harder


Can convert to flac afterwards

Where are my soulseek chads?

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I presume you're downloading from youtube. Youtube compresses the audio to shit so if you want flacs just torrent them.

i got tidal premium for 3 months and download 25 GBs of flac music so i'll have it forever
get fucked jews

I think that guy was being ironic..

I do that too but what's the easiest way to synch them to your phone too? It's annoying to have to put them on drive and download from the phone every time

I pay for YT Premium to gain access to YT music which I use to exclusively listen to GRIMES

because spotify is even easier

>all your playlists sync to every device
>literally anything can run spotify- even my watch
>radio feature/discovery is god tier
>almost any song in the world at any time

and if you pair that with a downloader (as in to mp3 files from YouTube) you're living best of both worlds

but I've also been using it for the past 8 years, so take that as my bias

not everypony (certainly not zoomers) know how to actually use music locally

>Israel flag

maybe rsync

>Let's thrash this place!

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i use sftp transfer in total commander

Ah yes, yt-dl, the most soi program out there
Kys, loseless audio is a meme and waste of space

i am a zoomer, and i have arround 4Gb of music in my phone (not more, because the bitch of android takes a fuck ton of device space)

>doesnt know what sd card is
yea that checks out

Lel I have 4gb on my fuckin watch
U gotta pump that cache up

I too use boost mobile

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