Thinking of shotgun, should be over in half a second right?

Thinking of shotgun, should be over in half a second right?

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get some fresh air Any Forumsro it'll make you feel better

I just came from outside. doesn't help, i just wish there was a button to remove myself from the earth

Yeah, maybe even less than that

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Just want to make sure it'll be quick, I've read shit of people surviving that

Even less if you aim at the cerebellum

Cerebellum ? That easy huh? Got it thanks.

it's a wager.
do it wrong and you live looking like cthulhu

Good luck user, I hope it ends quick so you can find peace

Cerebellum control everything. Pointy shotgun at cerebellum. Destroy cerebellum. Rest will follow.

With a shotgun, you have to almost intentionally do it wrong to not die. Put it in your mouth against the where there are no bones protecting your brain

I thought you would point it at your forehead no?

Thanks. Is there anyway I can stream or upload a video of me doing it? Would like to contribute to Any Forums

It really doesn't matter if we are talking about shooting your head point blank with a shotgun. It will practically decapitate you almost instantly

But you know, to reduce the chances of failure, even if they are almost non-extistant, better shoot were there are no bones protecting the brain

So that's why people put the barrel in the mouth? The more u know. Thanks user

I work at ER in a country with a high suicide rate and I have never seen a failed attempt of suicide with a shotgun.

With handguns however, I have seen some cases over the years and does get bad.

The most strange part for me, is that some of them, even tho they now have to face even more difficulties than before even for the simplest thing, and had their faces destroyed - have become some of the happiest and most optimistic people I have ever known

It's really hard for me to wrap my head around that phenomenon, the only explanations that I can find is that they were lonley before and now people give them attention and love because they did not know what they were going through and don't want to lose them, plus therapy and such

The other explanation that I can think of is that having a diminished brain capacity allows you to enjoy life because you can't think too much about the future, or complicated stuff

Do not give up OP, it gets better eventually. Take pride in riding out the shitstorm

I was where you are a couple of years back. So glad I didn't do it. Life does get better user, focus on the fundamentals - food, sleep, and exercise. Shit isn't a panacea, but it's hard for anything to improve if you don't get these handled.

>failed attempt of suicide with a shotgun.
I know a guy in my AA group that put a double barrel 12 gauge in his mouth, got it sideways in a panic and just blew off the side of his face.
It was a mess. ER doctors took extensive photos, cause they never saw shit like that and used it for training (he was taken to Emory hospital in Atlanta).
Long recovery process, lot's of surgeries, long term pain. But, that was his rock bottom, and he's been sober 15 years now. Disfigured AF, scares little kids at Walmart, but he's got a good Halloween gig at the local spooky house.

Damn. That's horrible. I guess that if he didn't go for another attempt, he must have found something that made him keep going despite all that.

I'm always sort of conflicted when it comes to pacients that come in because of suicide attempts. Every doctor and nurse do whatever they can to save them. but sometimes I feel a weird kind of guilt. Sometimes I think if we are not just sending them back to continue a horrible life and suffer more until they are successful in ending their lives.

Specially in cases like the one you described, sometimes it almost doesn't feel ethical, but let them die when without knowing if they regret and if there is a chance for them is not ethical either

It is our duty to do everything possible to save someone regardless of the reason why they are there, but sometimes you think about how things are going for them after the attempt. Are they happy now? Was the misery just prolonged with no way out?

I hope one day legal, voluntary euthanasia becomes a normal thing everywhere. Better that than keep seeing young kids with their faces blown or brain damage because of a failed hanging attempt

>I hope one day legal, voluntary euthanasia becomes a normal thing everywhere.
Me too. That would make things so much easier. I've been suicidal since I was about 12 years old but I refuse to make some stupid attempt that ends up failing. The only way I'll go out on my own volition is with a shotgun but I have no access to one. I feel like a zombie at this point, just waiting to die.

The bullet will travel faster than sound. You won't even have a chance to hear it