Anyone else sick of these shitty patches?

Anyone else sick of these shitty patches?
>Nerfing bike kevin's move speed, again
>SoaS Rolf no longer the amazeballs tankfest he used to be
>Ship in a Bottle rarity increased so much you're better off buying it from Chinese bots
>Kanker Sisters encounter basically impossible now
Am I finally done with this cursed fucking game?

Attached: eeneo.jpg (1048x589, 155.08K)

I didn't even know this was a fucking game
What's it run on, unity, source or roblox?

I'm about to have an aneurysm

What is this

>he actually does the Kanker Sisters encounter
I actively skip it since you barely get any good drops anyway

What game is this

The Plank nerfs is what really convinced me there’s no hope for this pos game.
>can’t take control of Jonny’s anymore
>movement speed dropped even further then before
>skill tree might as well be a stump with how horrible the options are
>Splinter in now paid DLC
The only saving grace was that they let you customize the emotes but even that has become restricted.


>faggot SoaS rolfs cant abuse jawbreaker tank builds in pvp anymore
Cry about it


You're kidding right? Those nerfs should have been done way sooner. I can't tell you how many goddamn times I got cheesed by some faggot stacking STR and running a Splinter the Underwood build

Honestly, I quit playing after I got scammed of all my jawbreakers when sometime did the Rolf exploit

I preferred it over the high dex Eddy's running around, they completely fucked up the natural order of pvp

my game crashed earlier and wont open for some reason

I thought they fuckin patched that already

The ship in a bottle was way too common before, I was sick of seeing every Johnny and jimmy running around with it

Yeah it happens, I hope they're trying to fix it. I'm pretty sure running it in Windows 7 compatibility mode fixes it for now though

Are we setting up another server tonight Any Forumsros?

what game is this?

I still can't believe they buffed Johnny, not that it matters since he's still trash and only contrarians play him.

Can’t play with you fags anymore, Kevin hacking isn’t funny.

Fuck not Jimmy, not Johnny

i must be a contrarian then.

check the discord. info for tonight's server should be on there

Kevins comin for ya

You fags are still playing this?

Your fault for not investing in the Melonhead protection perk, 47.3% damage decrease from Splinter and MH attacks means they do less damage then Jimmys auto attack.

anyone manage to get all the parts for the fad freak suit? i've been grinding for 10 hours and still hadn't got the headgear