How do I emotionally manipulate this chick into Liking me

How do I emotionally manipulate this chick into Liking me

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By not being a fucking loser

I'm just looking for inspiration on ways to pump her ego

fuck her dad

user you already know she’s taken a few miles of dick and is fucked in the head

just run away


Get her to workout with you and become the sexiest beings on earth. Hopefully thats more helpful

Think he's dead in fairness

i mean it's easy but do you really want that

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tell her you want to give her smoochie woochies. and giver her lots of cuddlesies. and take her eyes and mount them above your bed for good luck.

GF will keep me from committing sudoku from loneliness

Unironically laughed

Joking aside how do I get motivated, I lack purpose at the moment and I think I wouldn't be able to do it

>hates being lonely
>tries for a tiktok thot

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>how do I get motivated, I lack purpose at the moment and I think I wouldn't be able to do it
You need lessons in confidence and motivation. Torrent some Udemy classes that cover that shit. Once you fix those problems you'll be able to pick up a gf no problem. Not necessarily the one in the web,, but a gf that loves you and keeps you happy.

She's a pretty mediocre girl imo, I'm not willing to settle for a roastie that would probably repulse me after a while

does she even know that you exist?

Thanks user Ill try anything at this point

Barely, she's kind of 5 years younger than me too

i can read the hillbilly/redneck accent on her lips

Guess nigger...

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