Favorite Naruto character? Image related and I'm not being ironic

Favorite Naruto character? Image related and I'm not being ironic

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None because I watch good anime.

I have to know why

Hinata for obvious reasons

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Naruto. He’s kino.

She's a bum compared to her comrades but she tried so hard until she's similar to Tsunade. Also she went against Sasori and held her own

Check out purplebitch for some good cosplay porn lol

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Ok, I was going to try and argue with you why she sucks, but it's useless. When someone has a favorite character it's like arguing with a brick wall, I'm the same. I'll ask a different question then, who do you think objectively is the most attractive female character from the series.

Honestly I like her because she's the underdog, I'm not opposed to arguments on it I literally know I'm wrong but I fuckin love the cunt. The most attractive is Hinata or Tsunade in my opinion

Am I a joke to you?

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Nah she's fine but she's a flower geek

Her being feminine is a turn off, what?

I'm glad I didn't argue with you, no way I would have been able to change your mind.

No she's just kinda too bitchy whilst being a nerd

Who's your favorite then?

Favorite what exactly?

Character lol see the original post

Wasn't sure if favorite girl/found attractive or something else. I have a lot i really like but if I had to pick a favorite probably neji. One that I really really wish got more screen time who's a favorite of mine is ibiki morino.

I feel like neji had a huge chance on being a big favorite during the chunin exams and the Sasuke retrieval arc, but for some reason he got fucked over and we had to feel bad somehow when he got murdered when they were fighting Obito and Madara

Also Ibiki was a badass I'm glad you brought him up. I always thought he would be the one to waterboard a mother fucker

I still have salt running through my veins. Him and 3 other characters no one really gave a shit about are the only ones who died. Jesus Christ could bring back Gai from the dead after 8 gates but not Neji, BS.

He was, I wish he got fleshed out more, but too many characters were in the series. I really wanted to know how he got those scars and I bet he had other stories to tell.