Liberalism - Find a cure

Liberalism - Find a cure

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>Liberalism - Find a cure

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Usually about 2ccs of lead, coated in copper



PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go study actual liberalism so you can tell the difference between something that benefits humanity and something thats the spawn of satan

The fact that this fat pig has enough sex to ‘withhold’ it makes me want to kill myself

Ron Paul 2012 detected


Who wants to fuck such a fat sow?


Uneducated white trash - find a health care plan

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I want to know what OP thinks about Rep Taylor Greene calling these protests an insurrection led by the AOC, on Twitter.

Personally I think it's proof that blue checkmarks are authoritarian and can come from any political position and love to moan about anything.

And Rep Greene is desparately trying to hide that she's a niggerfaggot liar and it's pure lulz.

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wow look somebody who flunked out of college after freshman year lmfao

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>That Israel flag
Do you even know what you're talking about? Most Trumpers are anti semitic far righter, aren't they?


woah they drew wojak wearing the cap sideways like some kind of hip hop nigger

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Both sides blame eachother for the kikery. Even though 80% of jews vote dem, run the lib law firms that turn criminals loose and import illegal aliens, and most of their beloved politicians are kikes themselves.

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they are a master of puppeteering both sides. Always been the case

lmfao cope retard

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lmao that's sad

