This is not a human being. You’re all retarded

This is not a human being. You’re all retarded.

Attached: A5649948-DDF5-4058-8D53-08A9D6F44848.jpg (750x691, 65.12K)

When it comes down to it, aren't we all just egg and sperm?

What is it then?

Look at the flick of the wrist

>everyone is stupid but me

A fetus. Not a human. Is an egg, a chicken? No. It’s a fucking egg you virgins.

What is is then? Because last time I checked it has human DNA

That’s definitely a human though.

If you find a human hair on the ground, and test it, it has human DNA. Is it a human!???????? No you idiot. It’s hair. Good thing none of you will even have children.

It’s not a human. It’s a fetus.

its a parasite

And OP is not a human, OP is a fag

You’re all incels and have never had sex case closed

Now this statement cannot be contested, because this is most certainly a fact.

In that case Roe vs wade does not affect them.

Also Fuck Niggers,

It only not human if the parents are Democrats.

It's a human life. Cope, leftist cunt. Try something November. It's open season on you bitches.
Double plus good. Can tell your one of the alphabet people. Extra points in the irl pve session to come.

Looks like it would taste amazing if deep fried

>It only not human if the parents are Democrats.

Oh dear, Grade Six and done, with you, amitrite?

Put a bit of effort into your insults, eh? That one is pathetic.

It’s not human In any one of your retarded fantasy’s. Fuck you and anyone your friends with. I hope your entire family rots in hell for all eternity you loathsome degen fuck. A fetus is not a human. An egg is not a chicken. A bag of flour, is not a cookie. A tree, is not a piece of wood. This so so simple you Fucking morons. It’s apples to oranges. What don’t you faggots get?

Truth hit home a little bit there, I see. Don't worry, I am sure uncle coat hanger will do a great job when you knock up your sister.

Op is a fag

Wow, someone is mentally ill. Sad to see such a perfect example of why we need abortion go to waste. I am sure evidence of your existence is more than enough to change the minds of millions.

It says right in the picture that it is a life.

Attached: justicethomas.jpg (696x566, 43.71K)

a fertilized egg will grow into a baby
people are not food, plants or animals
what don't you get, faggot?

Attached: Alterboy.png (452x563, 310.01K)

>will grow

Will. As in pre-tense. As In “not yet” as in not a human, nigger.

This is an embryo. It will grow into a small human. When it's mother can't feed it, it will die and become grade A fertiliser for our mosanto crops. Thank you for playing user.