Why am I into feet?

Why am I into feet?
I always thought about feet as just another part of the body, even gross.
But out of nowhere, from one day to the other I started to get turned on by them. Only women's feet. Specially soles.
Why tf did this happen? I feel like a weirdo and most of the women I've been with just think its weird. My current gf gives me footjobs but and stuff but I dont think she is too comfortable with it.
Why do fetishes just develop overnight?

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If most girls you’ve told think it’s weird then you’re being weird about it, I’ve never had a girl have an issue with it. Have a little confidence

SILENCE, NIGGER. There are women who are so retardedly immature, they are physically incapable of understanding a foot fetish- no matter how casual and normal you are about it. The bottom line is this: If any girl you're with thinks you're weird for being into feet, kick 'em to the curb and find another woman. Repeat as needed.

well im a footfag and it is weird
my wife has pretty nice feet but i never came out of the closet that im into them
one reason being that she is pretty vanilla the other that her knowing i like feet is a shortcut for alot of problems

Same but with toes

Imagine being so beta you have a wife and don't even tell her what you're into. Christ, man. The hell did you marry her for if you can't even tell her you have a fetish?

In the human brain the space we use for feet sits next to the spot we use for sex. With a lot of people there is a lot of cross over. There is a reason it is such a common fetish. It does suck there is a stigma about it, it's even the butt of jokes these days like, "Look at this weirdo, I bet he is into feet too."

there are also dudes so retardedly immature they still think it’s funny to say shit like “SILENCE NIGGER” so I guess the pickings are slim for everyone

Welcome to reality. This is the first step of being aware of the true reality.

Like this

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What the fuck do you man it’s a shortcut for a lot of problems how fucked up is your marriage LMAO

becouse for on thing its degenerate and id rather keep it to myself
the other thing is the implications from having it
when summer comes around i enjoy the view of nice legs and feet
her knowing that will make her without a doubt extremely jealous

>wear shoes most of the time
>the feet rarely gets seen
>it becomes hidden and alluring, even sexy
>all that shoe and sock wearing adds to the smell which makes it even kinkier

in countries were people ae barefoot often its not really that big of a fetish.

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Certain female body parts are always covered, a lot of female cover their feet (shoes/socks etc)
It's a part of them that's often hidden, and so has somewhat of the same 'mystery' as other parts of their body that you won't see. BUT there's more of a chance that you might see their feet, so it becomes some sort of "Well, I can't see their vag/tits so I can see one of the other hidden parts at some time. Their feet. It then becomes a thing that's sexualised in your head.

Good god man your life sounds miserable LMAO

I get you're married to this woman, so you're already in too deep, but honestly dude that is an incredibly unhealthy relationship. If you think liking feet as a degeneracy you've either had your mind fucked with, or you're super repressed. Either way that sucks

Damn Thats some really nice feet. Very smooth and not wrinkly. I guess she wears shoes and not flipflops when she goes out. Cant have feet that nice unless you wearing shoes.

it does suck
but its better than living out my degenerate urges
life is simpler this way in the long run

and its not like she never teased me with her feet
but its a different thing to tell her
i want to put your foot up my mouth, lick your sole and suck on your heel

You need therapy man, I’m not even gonna argue with you

This is fake.

8/10 bait

This. The only time you ever see a woman's soles are when they're in a sexually submissive position, thus the erotic connection. I'm not super into it myself, but it's not unreasonable.

how so?

South american. Everyone and their mothers goes barefoot around the house or in sandals when outside. Still turned out to be a footfag.

said the coomer who tells people to talk to spiritual gurus