What the fuck is a home lab for? Why does every employer ask if you home lab?

What the fuck is a home lab for? Why does every employer ask if you home lab?

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>Why does every employer ask if you home lab?
I have never seen an employer ask this

have never been asked about my homelab, and i do devops
do you have a server rack in your camera's background, op? maybe that's why they're asking?

Tell em you don't have a homelab but you do have a sidehustle in hosting darkweb servers via self-tapped stolen fibre connections from local businesses

Employers ask weird shit. One guy asked me if I wore shoes at home. He said it says a lot about one's character.

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all it says is if you're an american or not

Homelab is basically 'do you experiment and tinker on your free time".

Homelab can even be a fucking hyper-v installation on your laptop. There is no excuse not to "have" one except for not being the type of person who actively likes tech and is curious (ie: people they dont want).

If you tinker with shit like pfsense, docker/podman, domains, self-hosting crap, then yes you have a homelab. If not - wtf are you doing in tech to begin with.

I'm American. Who wears shoes at home? That seems like it would be exceedingly rare anywhere.

I hardly wear clothes at home.

We specifically ask for it because 9/10 people with homelabs will be significantly better than someone without. We have found that people without are uninspired and lazy. Essentially deadweights looking to be carried by others.

What company?

I wear flip flops, what of it

Because it's makes you sound like a Chad when you casually mention " yeah I have a software defined data center in my bedroom". Really separates the people who are just there for the money and those who are genuinely interested.

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>We specifically ask for it
That's nice, bro. Do you also do $YOUR_JOB in your free time? What do you mean you don't do $YOUR_JOB at home or after work? Don't you like $YOUR_JOB? Replace $YOUR_JOB with accountant, manager, receptionist.

Homelab is just a playground for autists
Homeserver on the other hand can be useful, but you set it up once and you don't touch it again util in break

Be salty all you want, doesnt change the real world.

>If not - wtf are you doing in tech to begin with.
I'm an LGBTQ hon and POC with advanced degrees in critical race theory and feminist software intersectionalism


I'd love to play with servers and shit but that stuff costs money. I installed a pfSense and Kali Linux VM yesterday and have to figure out what to do next

I guess you're right. Being a depressed autist who doesn't home lab is probably not doing me any favors during interviews

Do a homelab and setup a zfs pool and learn to config samba. Thats what I did to tinker with stuff.

>accountant, manager, receptionist.
So jobs anyone with social skills can do? The interviewer for those would look for things you do outside of work that indicate you are sociable and work well with lots of different people. Obviously a interviewer for a tech related job would want to hire someone that works on servers for fun over someone who thinks thats cringe.

>what is a homelab actually used for
Tech yuppies who want to flex "testing protocols" with no tangible objective so they can feel smart
>Why do employers ask
Because it shows you are a good little piggie interested in what the business likely does.

The only exception is running a home server for games and personal services or your personal business. That has purpose. Yes, silicon Valley faggots who own (((home labs))) doing (((research))) on layer 2 and 3 network protocols are unironically dunning Krueger specimines that think they're better than you

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Sounds like (you) are coping a little too hard. I use a server to host my media and I also use a home lab for testing optical networking. I make more money than you and I spend it on server equipment.

>jobs anyone with social skills can do