Execute all meth heads now

execute all meth heads now

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Distributors and manufacturers as well.

no they are only making money i cant blame them you have to blame the people that REFUSE to stop and not iots NOT addictive that just an EXCUSE

yay! authoritarianism rocks! especially prudes!
life would be so much fun and i'd bust so many nuts if I had an authoritarian gf like you

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We'll just have to agree to disagree.

your opinion is wrong and mine is right fuck off

meth actually doesn't damage your teeth, it's the poor lifestyle drug addicts have because of prohibition the meth is so expensive they have no money left for hygene products and multivitamins and btw selenium and vitamin d protect against meth toxicity. so does nicotine and weed.
I personally prefer my combo of atomoxetine, luvox and brexpiprazole, feels like meth but there's no comedown and I can sleep.

personally I believe most meth users are chasing cognitive enhancement in the wrong place.

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kill them all every last one of them they are infecting our children with their meth

what do you think of prescription psychostimulants? you're not ANTI SCIENCE are you user?

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Opinions are always wrong, it's either a fact or it isn't.

and why should I care about "our children", what gives them priority over my masturbation session?


>execute all OP's who make hate threads

fixed. die.

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legally prescribed drugs are fine they are given under the control of an EXPERT and not some uncolleged jackass off the streets who knows NOTHING

So you want to inconvenience people, make them have to wait to get permission to self-medicate? I see

yes no one should be "self medicating" you want easier access to drugs stop fighting so hard against single payer healthcare

but meth feels good

what if the drugs were taxed based on how risky they are in overdose and the revenue went to the healthcare? for example heroin would be expensive and meth very cheap as it's very hard to OD on meth especially when vaping it.

akll prescribed medications should be given free to anyone making under 500 k a year

but in restricted doses, you want free medication, you should take it properly. there's no getting high on other peoples money

but people should have the option to pay extra (within reason) to get an unlimited supply if they choose

of course that's why i said prescribed medications not unfettered unlimit4ed access
no they should not

Meth is the cheapest hard drug there is. So cheap they can afford to be high for weeks which to them feels like a day so they go weeks without basic hygiene.

he was white blue eyed seemingly tall with a good jawline and still fucked everything up

>no they should not
why not?
you foreigners are lucky, 50mg is $50 here god bless Australia

lsd is cheaper $5=8 hours of trippin'

cough syrup?

because no one should never need an escape and if you do you are mentally weak and need to build up a fortitude

Where I'm from psyches are not considered hard drugs and Def not cough syrup

idk man, I used to huff butane and sniff petrol because I couldn't get weed and my incompetent psychiatrist put me on vyvanse instead of short-duration ritalin which just made my agitation worse, I could've died from sudden sniffing death (sudden cardiac arrest) I think having cognitive liberty is more important than having strong willed people

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