White people hate thread. get in here Any Forumsros

white people hate thread. get in here Any Forumsros

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white people have NO culture, white history is filled with hatred and evil of you cracker jack, crack-honkeys stealing from other races including their cultures. blacks are inferior in culture you say? atleast we have one, where whites have none at all, when u think of white culture what comes to mind? music? no blacks did that, dancing? the spanish did that, food? mexicans, took that. not to mention white people are genetically INFERIOR to blacks, white people are prone to skin cancer, sunburns, eye cancer, lice, aging quickly, un-athletic, if you think your race is seriously surperior just because your kind can solve useless math equations , than you're a fucking idiot.

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White people hate black people ONLY because they know they have small cocks. Literally small dick pathetic white boys can't pleasure a woman. Why are so many white men cucks? Because SMALL cock. No muscles, no genetics, just small cock.

There's nothing worse than niggers


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There's nothing worse than crackers

they hate us cause they aint us


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You're all fucking fags and deserve to die.

Take a Crackers LIFE!....Especially the lil' Crackers Children!...But only kill the lil' CaveFuckers in front of their Parents...Then take the Honkey Mother, pour Sulphuric Acid in her pussy!..While she is screaming in pain, bend down and gouge her eyes out, one by one!...Now take the shivering soon to be hacked up Dad, and SLOWLY gut him from his dick to throat!

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>white people hate thread. get in here Any Forumsros

>HEHEHEHE, this will fuel the cia initiated race wars much better.... HEHEHEHEH !!!

>Go on goys, fight! Fight! Ahahaha ohohoho!

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white hate quickly turned into obsessing about niggers. kek you troons are pathetic

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say the n word to me in person and ill burn your cracker lips off

ooga booga you'll need opposable thumbs to use a lighter

You are not a human you ice monkey

>noooo it's u who r da monkey ackshully, ice munkey >:(

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I hate that white people are smart without even trying!!

I hate that god is not coming to kill off white people soon

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I don't get it. What's this guy done to you? Fucked your sister?

no its white boy reaction to the thread