Pro-choice males...

Pro-choice males, what's it like being a sad pathetic excuse of a "man" who is politically aligned with fat white women that smell like fish with blue hair?

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i'd say wait until your 16 yr old princess gets pregnant by Tyrone, but then I remembered you're still a virgin.

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I'd say that men have no reproductive rights after conception and that women are finally getting a taste of what men have to deal with.

The people that consider an abortion are the ones that shouldn't reproduce. Aborting their spawn allows us to prevent future fatherless criminals from continuing their reighn of terror. Also aren't most abortions done by blacks and Hispanics? I don't get the issue with lowering the amount of retards, crime, and state support for single moms.

I mean I think people blow it out of proportion. Idrc either way, but I do think nobody should be telling women what to do with their bodies like having a kid or not, especially wit how shitty it is for kids who aren't wanted/cant be supported

But then again, if they just abstain they can avoid that all together. Just cant imagine being a woman and having people telling me what i can and cant do, like no mf is touching my guns so id be pissed if i was a girl and old fucks in congress told me what to do

The overturn will likely make less women wanna fuck which sucks for me, but it is what is. Left will continue bitching about it and right will continue acting like their religious views mean anything to anyone besides themselves. Nobody's gonna solve my problems so im just gonna live my life as I have been.

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i mean yea but then conervatives get all psycho about what constitutes life/sentient fetuses and all that. again, idrc since im not a woman, but i just dont think it makes sense to force women to have kids, MAINLY because that Justice Thomas wants to get rid of birth control which makes zero sense IMO

Like i fully get not being a whore and killing babies, but if you want to practice safe sex, why tf are these retards trying to take away contraception like birth control and condoms? That's the exact safe thing to do if you want to have safe sex. Taking those away are just gonna cause more pregnancies since people are gonna fuck regardless

Again thats not what the SCOTUS said. At all.

What they actually said was its not a right guaranteed by the US constitution and thus its for the states to decide on their own. Same with contraception if that other legal precedent is thrown out, which may or may not happen.

No i fully get that, youre right, im just saying Thomas wants to push to ban contraceptives doesnt he? and gay marriage or something, not sure ab that one/what he's reversing, maybe to have to serve gay people even if its against your religion?

We're going to have to drop flyers from airplanes to get people to understand this.

Although I think there are some people who would rather NOT understand it as it doesn't sufficiently inflame their base.

In the words of Upton Sinclair, “It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it."

No, you obviously dont get it. SCOTUS isnt trying to ban anything. You're just being dense on purpose.

Of course libshits will fan the flames on the heads of their minions. What few they have left.

retard, pressuring whores into abortion so you don't have to care for a brat is best

>ITT: conservative faggot acting like they know all and still get pussy before and after the scotus decision

>conservative faggot acting like they
In this case you incorrectly used the word they when referring to an individual. The correct way to do that would be to either use the plural conservatives or the singular he.

I like women, I like being with them, I like to exchange ideas with them and I like mounting them.

Women like to be liked by me, they like to be accompanied by someone like me, they like to reply to my ideas and they sure do like to be mounted by me.

That doesn't mean either of us are ready to nurture a parasite into adulthood at this stage. We barely just met.

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So women are finally getting a taste of what its like for men who have no reproductive rights after conception?

> politically aligned with fat white women that smell like fish
the fuck you talking about

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Aren’t most conservatives decrepit white women ?!? That was such a funny thing to say. Bro does not know his own community