Attached: update_your_filters.webm (960x520, 320.48K)

why bruv

Are you retarted or soemthin bru

Just check "Auto-update filter lists"

why doe

no need, the adguard dns server updates without my intervention

I don't use uBO, I want my internet experience to be as authentic as possible, chud

yes. now explain why

AdBlocking is stealing.

Ads are harassment.

>Driving down the road
>Pass a billboard and don't look at it
>Get pulled over and arrested for piracy


Attached: ugbt2nnwpvr01.png (1920x1079, 450.5K)

My Grandpa has been criminally fast fowarding over advertisements since the early 1980s, He's been on the run from the MPAA Secret Police since 2003

Attached: index-VHS-0.jpg (1200x713, 77.47K)

i want them to lost all the money
i want to see them starving
i want to see them eating their own children

>logged in
go away, retard

Attached: 1603154765779.png (758x744, 741.45K)

If you aren't consuming the ads on the freeway because you can't afford what they're advertising; you're LITERALLY stealing.

Get off the road. You're stealing billboard impressions. Someone else could have occupied that space at that time on the road to consume that ad.

It doesn't even matter if the ads are relevant to you. If you aren't REGULARLY consuming the products advertised in these ads; you're a criminal. You better be documenting each and every billboard you drive by so that you can assure you're consuming from it later. I would recommend you have a dashcam to record each billboard, but if you're poor (but not so poor you can't afford what's being advertised), get a pen and paper.

See a personal injury billboard as you're cruising along on the highway? Slam on those brake right then and there. Straight floor the brake pedal. Make sure you managed to get at least a few people to rear end you so you can be a good advertising consuming Samaritan and refer them to the personal injury lawyer you're about to call.

Put your vehicle into park, whip out that notepad, and make sure you right down that attorney's name and phone number. Once you've got it all written down, call them up. Introduce yourself right away, ask to be put on with a lawyer and not an assistant and that you want to be billed the full laywer rate. Then, be sure to let them know that you've got a case for them right away. Let them know you want THEM to sue YOU because you've PERSONALLY INJURED THEM for not having been in enough personal injury accidents and you've denied them the right of you consuming their advertised business.

good post

Im employed. You are not.

You're literally a retard, retard.

aren't they supposed to update themselves?
