How do we solve the problem of copying in the open source community?

How do we solve the problem of copying in the open source community?

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by not using a cuck license

>use a license that says you're allowed to copy
>get mad when someone copies
why are programmers like this

this is why free software is better than open source software

range ban the entire third world (including china) from the internet

>goes open source
>gets mad when someone "steals" his work

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I have an iPhone. I don’t have to deal with this horse shit.

It's not even theft or illegal. Solid is allowed to do whatever with Remix code because of the MIT cuck license. Use GPL next time and at least you'll get cited.

unlucky, what a crazy coincidence

all open source and free software licenses are cuck licenses

>copy+paste+replace s/Remix/Solidstart
This guy is one retarded redditor.

How does GPL stop anything? All they have to do is provide the source.

>they'll still steal all your shit but at least they'll put your name at the bottom of in tiny 5pt font
lmao do gplcucks really

You solve the problem by not making your project open source lmao

I mean that's what the guy seems upset about. I don't read his tweet as angry about someone using his code, I read him as angry as someone passing off his code as his.

Obviously if his problem is people using his open-sourced code then he's a retard, but if it's just about being acknowledged then he's also a retard for not using GPL.

>How do we solve the problem of copying in the open source community?
Stop developing open-source software and start developing closed-source software. If you release source code for a program, you basically agree to it being copied.
>but muh legalese
Doesn't matter in the real world, especially not in countries outside the Anglosphere and the EU. Even entities like FSF cannot enforce their own copyrights, good luck doing that as an individual with fraction of their resources.

whats the issue? if the new version has more releases/fixes then the old they have out competed them, if its a shallow copy who the fuk is going to use it.
Should still credit the orgiinal source/keep git history. This is why open source is good, its a meritocracy.

twitter user is retarded, more news at 11

>open source
>but only i can use it
So he's autistic? Does he Google himself everyday as well?

You don't even have to give credit for GPL code.

>writing anything open sores ever
why tho?