It is year 2028 and Linux has been completely rewritten in Rust

After adding Rust support to Linux kernel in 2021 Linux repo has been flooded with patches and pull requests from brave Rustaceans rewriting critical components in Rust to ensure their stability and memory safety that C could never guarantee. After a few painful years of code reviews and salt coming from C programmers losing their jobs left and right we have finally achieved a 100% Rust Linux kernel. Not a single kernel panic or crash has been reported ever since. In fact, the kernel was so stable that Microsoft gave up all their efforts in Windows as we know it, rewrote it in Rust, and Windows became just another distro in the Linux ecosystem. Other projects and companies soon followed the trend - if you install any Linux distro nowadays it won't come with grep, du or cat - there is only ripgrep, dust and bat. Do you use a graphical interface? Good luck using deprecated projects such as Wayland, Gnome or KDE - wayland-rs , Rsome and RDE is where it's all at. The only serious browser available is Servo and it holds 98% of the market share. Every new game released to the market, including those made by AAA developers, is using the most stable, fast and user-friendly game engine - Bevy v4.20. People love their system and how stable, safe and incredibly fast it is. Proprietary software is basically non-existent at this point. By the year 2035 every single printer, laptop, industrial robot, rocket, autonomous car, submarine, sex toy is powered by software written in Rust. And they never crash or fail. The world is so prosperous and stable that we have finally achieved world peace.

Ferris looks down at what he has created once more and smiles, as he always did. He says nothing as he is just a crab and a mascot, but you can tell from his eyes... That he is truly proud of his community.

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have you taken your meds today

There's two problems with your stupid master plan.
>1. as long as Linus is alive C will reign supreme because that's the language he knows and understands best.
>2. by the time Linus is dead, the Rust fad will have faded into obscurity, Mozilla already pulled the carpet on your language by firing all its rust employees, even its creator doesn't care for it.
Also, what's worse, aside from even being a riduculous meme with funny syntax. Rust is a meme that has not even gained any real world traction.


The future is Common Lisp.

remember when you could compile the kernel and all the build toolchain in few seconds? those were the good old days

imagine the bloat

>The future is Common Lisp.
I really hope so fuck lisp is so simple and intuitive and these idiots want to replace retarded c with even more retarded cpp + trannies modification.I dont even care which lisp any will be ok for me.


Fuck lisp.

Forgot pic

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>omg le epic cRUSTaceans!!

wtf just read text from left to right.second example is way more confusing.

(reduce + (interpose 5 (map inc (range 10))) is far less readable than (->> (range 10) (map inc) (interpose 5) (reduce +))
Stop your LARP.

medsposters ruined this site

have sex


shut up and get your ass back to 2018. it's time to develop new one liners.

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fuck off schizo

wow lets shift the arguments and add a weird sign that breaks the lisp syntax that will simplify.


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False. (reduce function sequence) is clearer than whatever the fuck (->>

I understand why they went ahead with Rust, there are some embarrassingly bad drivers in staging and the managers are tired of it so for those cases if they use Rust instead it will be less of a headache.

As for complex things, that require some clever low level manipulation, in many cases even hand written assembly, Rust is completely unfit for.