Tips for someone who's moving to Canada?

Tips for someone who's moving to Canada?

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Get out
Everyone I know has killed themselves but me
It’s hell here
Go to America

You would be better of in hell

yeah, stay the fuck out. we're full

Alberta = Texas
Vancouver = Hong Kong
Quebec = France

What the fuck is wrong with you?


where u from and where u goin?

Don't move to Canada.

Spain. I wanna go to study programming there but I'm not sure where to study yet so I'm going to take a work and holiday visa. So far I'm going to Toronto but if there are better options I'm all ears.

I got robbed twice in Canada

"Friendly people" my ass

Everything about canadian culture in 2022 is hollow and performative. You will have to woke virtue signal to fit in.


Fuck off



Toronto and Vancouver are super expensive rent and it's almost impossible to find a place to live. Can study in Alberta and find cheaper rent. Winter's are shitty everywhere in Canada that isn't southern BC though.

obsessed with canada's social issues? Well, I live in canada...

It sucks here.

I have a well-paying job at a mill in Surrey and everyone I work with is extremely racist and homophobic.

Get wins of hot bitches and make our nude threads less pathetic

Surrey = Dehli

Bring a coat ya yakkee sum bitch