Hey Any Forums. My ex gf mum is a fucking monster that basically tries to keep her locked away from the outside world...

Hey Any Forums. My ex gf mum is a fucking monster that basically tries to keep her locked away from the outside world. Her mum periodically checks her phone to confirm she isn't talking to anyone (especially boys). She's going to live with her dad next week and we've been in contact after nearly 18 months. We know that her mum will still try to check her phone so we've decided to fuck with her my texting her crazy stuff (we normally use snap which her boomer ass doesn't know about). Dubs decide what I send - got inspired by another post today and it seems like a funny idea because her mum will lose her fucking mind.

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Long distance? You FaceTime her?

We live in the same city - there's only like 7 cities in Aus anyway lol

How old are you kids?

Do you know if your mom is dtf? I always found her kinda hot tbh

Roll- so an i stil putting my bb in u?

hey how's your onlyfans account doing?

I'm 23 she's 20. We met at uni. She's still studying and needs to live with one of her parents to manage living costs until she graduates.

Judy I'm hoping this message gets to you... I have something to confess....

You a chink or pajeet?

I'm as white as Hitler's cum my dude

Dude I knew a dude in Australia and basically what had happened was you know we had to come out there, you know see some things, exchange some words, touch base a little and just hang in there and you know fasten our screws review and ultimately you know, uh we made the right decision

You should ma-
Suck my cock

Her mom is a fucking NAZI wtf???? How is she checking her phone??? At 20??

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tell yo bitch to stop tripping you kno everytime she gets mad it i gives me a boner

Been thinking about the last time you pegged me...

If you're still looking for a sperm donor i know a dude in Sydney

want me to sneak in through the window again? haha your mom's fucking retarded

Dude she's fucking mental. One time gf came home from yr 11 or 12 late I think (maybe like 6pm) and with a girl friend of hers and the mother literally marched out to the sidewalk and ripped this girl by the hair and told her to fuck off to her own house. She's absolutely fucking mental.

You're still ok with me fucking your mom right?


Lol - send this

Then it is to your ex to sand up against that or to choose the way like it was. Ducking down and waiting. Her decision. She is an aduld with a choice. There are no easy ways in this, but there are ways. Like: Moving to a friend and getting a job in the evening (Fast food or smth like that) to pay stuff.
Her mother will not change, there is no worth in talking about that.
You can only work with the option that are there, in this case: Only your ex can do that - you can offer support, that's it.

Your gf needs to leave asap. How awful.

why does your mom get pissed when i text you? it's not like i'm a nigger or something

“God sorry babe i did so much piss and cum and ass, I throw up on your dick

That too sensible

>Leave with your dignity intact

Reply with "When Im done, something definitely wont be intact"

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