I predict that Windows 12 is going to be an online OS that you pay a subscription for and require an internet...

I predict that Windows 12 is going to be an online OS that you pay a subscription for and require an internet connection. New devices will ship out that act as nothing but signals to their servers.

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I will continue to use GNU/Linux, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1. I do redundant bootable backups every month, so no one can stop me unless they kill me.

okay but i'll start worrying about that in 2032 when ltsc iot stops being supported

You retards have been making this same prediction since 2015.

I predict that you're a massive fucking faggot.

People have been saying this shit since Windows XP. Give up and go outside.

And it gets closer to a reality with every passing year. You can tell that Microsoft and Apple WANT to do this, they're just held back by legal repercussions and the likelihood of a massive boycott if they do.

They can cut it short you know?

One of my old college buddies predicted this over 10 years ago. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if it really happened.

>you must be a complete hermit to make a thread on 4chunks

10 and 11 pro sure but doubt they will touch ltsc when it's only targeted towards businesses that are stuck with support agreements and other legal bullshit

>The niggercattle will boycott them
Lol, wishful thinking at best. Subscription services have become so ubiquitous at this point, that your average normalfag would happily fork over 50 dollars a month for some "improved virus checking and better support" or some shit.

>they would do the thing that makes them more money if people would buy into it
Yes that's how corporations work user good job.

and the goyim would just take it like they have been whenever microsoft pushes some gay shit with windows

>windows 8.1

Don't do that

They can try and Gaben's empire is gonna eat their lunch with Steam OS and thus arch linux, he's doing that now like zerg creep with the Steam Deck. Also Steam has a lot of developer tools on sale that everyone quietly ignores.

Subscription services have become popular because they replaced individual purchases of media. Normies would not like paying for a subscription for something they used to get included with their PC.

You underestimate how stupid normalfags are. Look at the vaxxx stupidity and the boatloads of money corps got from beta testing mrna tech.

>want a new Windows 12 license? Buy a new TPM-ready motherboard

By that time, Wine should be more than feasible to allow for a full switch to Windows without the need to dual boot.

Attached: OROGOLD-Drink-Wine-Live-Long.jpg (1000x667, 613.17K)

Brainlet take. Microsoft can’t even get Microsoft office to not suck ass over the internet. What are you gonna run the Witcher 4 in google chrome? Apple would have a field day

I predict you're fucking retarded

Normies do not pay for things they expect to be free. Why do you think the vast majority of internet content is funded by advertising?
>vaxx stupidity
What are you talking about?

Microsoft has tried doing the mandatory internet connection thing before with Xbox and it got so much backlash they had to cut it. If you unsubtly kick grandpa off his computer when his internet goes out he's not just going to accept it. He's going to notice, he'll get pissed, and then he'll go buy an iPad.
Every service most people use requires a perpetual internet connection anyway, the scenario you're imagining would just needlessly antagonize people and wouldn't accomplish anything.

Taking experimental gene therapy rebranded as vaccines after changing the definition across all online sources and also fails to provide long term immunity. Did you miss the past two years?

Sources say around 2024-2025

I got the vaccine and nothing bad happened. Also vaccines don't modify genes.

2 more weeks bro. Two. More. Weeks.

You really don't realize what you beta tested.